Finally, after their circumstances are not the mine, only take into account its findings in the sense that is functional or not to me, but nothing more. Men and women and society as a whole change each day. What is expected of men and women is therefore completely different. From my point of view it is necessary to answer several questions: what he thought my mom of men or women dad? In what I agree and not? What was or is the relationship that my parents carry, of submission, of indifference, of being complementary, control? What I hope a man or a woman who decides to establish a couple? I believe in man’s Dominion? Or I’m always in conflict by what you taught me? There is no more is a condition, I need to rethink my questions and follow answers more my conditions that beliefs that I gave, instilled in me and I submitted. But just as I am prey to this, my partner also. Therefore, say, when it comes to living a life of a two, we are six, although those four appear as ghosts in our behavior, attitudes and expectations do not otherwise need to be ourselves to answer the questions my father and my mother always, always they are present as ghosts and the relationship that engaged in that it influences my way of interacting can deny it, minimize it or perhaps, ignore it but that are present there is no doubt, and why not? Yes the relationship with them determines my position in the world like me or not the journey of self-discovery is not easy, it usually implies deal with angels and demons that is necessary to defy but anyway, yes we reflect it or we do not have the same conflicts and problems…more okay, get to know them, confront them and take right decisions or desconcertas not from the illusion of love, but from the light to lead a more fulfilling life, on this heading of a two thanks for reading, my mission and intent is the quality of emotional life Cecreto. Inc. Cecreto is a centre dedicated to the quality of emotional life and boasts series diverse topics like relationships, parents and children, relations in partner, etc. For even more details, read what Sela Ward says on the issue. AND It puts at your disposal, the launch of its E_Book when EL love in couple SE CONVERTS in pain. Write me if you are interested in receiving it, buy it and promote it and if not, also or you can purchase it on our website we give courses in any place on the planet. Original author and source of the article.