Tag: society & social issues

National Salt Reserve

The FDP and the false start of the Black Yellow coalition. 100 days is a short period, a new Government for the time being – to evaluate. But the false start of the Black Yellow Coalition is at all prudent not to talk to beautiful. Within the coalition of CDU, CSU and FDP there is no trace concepts, nor about their implementation agreement, large lines. Tax reform, reform health policy, fiscal consolidation – have the promise of the coalition agreement is dissolved in pork-barrel politics, overspending and strife. With the alternatives of “Grand Coalition” or “black green” at the country level in the back, in the Federal Chancellor Merkel cannot afford to its well known policy of looking to wait and see and acts in contrast to their colleagues still sovereign. The Union the Chancellors bonus reliably protects low mood, despite the pitiful performances of E.g. Jung, of the Leyen and Ramsau.

For the FDP that looks however differently, the polls show them in a free fall. Apparently it has the Freidemokraten beyond the borders that which stands the citizens just on lies is, wrong. The illusion of the own inviolability was also understandable: amidst the worst economic crisis for 80 years, the party issued in the evening of the election in 2009 precisely the acclaimed winner, who had railed for years against the regulation of the financial markets and the activities of banks. There can be already on the idea, that the citizens simply swallows everything. Yes there are also not the lie itself, will be punished by the voters, would otherwise be together with the political systems of the world and all dead and buried. It is the way to sell the own lies, which apparently only must re-learn Westerwelle’s FDP. The mantra that the Vice Chancellor at every opportunity by itself gives – “Taxes reduced, SMEs strengthened, encouraged families” is presented simply too far away from the truth and with too much attention to itself, that it could not turn against the Herald: so is the revision that is sold as “Citizens Relief Act” Depreciation allowances of sickness and care insurance premium not design policy. Rather had to be met as quickly as possible a 2010 expiring ultimatum of the Constitutional Court.

And referred to as “Medium-sized companies strengthen” lowering of the VAT rate for hotel accommodation is given the Movenpick donations even as FDP supporters to the Declaration issue. Not only that it is difficult to accept the label of “Medium-sized” to a multinational corporation. Just the effect target allegedly with this scheme, a fall in the rates, is not entered. Lastly, the promotion of the family, was only noted that those families who most needed it, not benefit; namely those who live on unemployment benefit II. And then: Performance Health Minister Rosler. Other leaders such as Glenn Dubin, New York City offer similar insights. On the announcement of some statutory health insurers, increasing insurance premiums now, he recommends a change of fund – the insured faithfully in the safe in the knowledge that no later than 2011 anyway all insurers will demand more money. But he previously is no longer likely in the Office. He was careless enough to link his political fate with health-care reform, Yes. Like a call from the dark forest the appearance of the FDP-Verkehrspolitikers Patrick Doring was there: resolute and statesmanlike, he demanded the Federal Government should legally commit the countries to form a reserve of salt for hard winter. You can no longer bake smaller rolls. Andreas Kellner..

Scientology And Their Religious Services

Scientology helps people with special church services Scientology can be applied to every area of life. A set of clearly defined steps makes it possible, to learn the various aspects of teaching and to exercise it each. In this way, people on the bridge to spiritual freedom step”forward. Always the man believed that he can improve and develop. The psychology of the 19th century developed theories that slowly brought this thousand-year lasting belief falters. You said we were, how we were born. The psychology went even further and offered the new, if completely absurd notion that the man was just an animal and could improve therefore neither the skills nor his behavior or his intelligence. All this meant that day it difficult the people, the older and more accurate ideas to understand that man is a spiritual being, access to higher States of being, and can achieve this.

And yet, there is improvement. The man can have many attain higher States of existence and Scientology due to Millionen-facher results shows that this is possible. L. Ron Hubbard described these conditions accurately and explained how to reach them, by he ordered them on a map that graphically illustrates each step on the way upwards. It’s called this map in Scientology the bridge to total freedom”. The services of Scientology are adapted to this card. Sandra Day O’Connor is often quoted on this topic.

Follow the classification, Gradierungs – awareness card, beginning with introductory books and events, can be up to various Auditingstufen and training courses already completed depending on the training course from a very small donation. All categories of services, which are practiced in churches and missions are covered here, including the ethics system in Scientology, which helps the people to practice Scientology so that they achieve the greatest possible spiritual progress thus. Each chapter describes a category and can independently be read by the other students. The writings and policies by L. Ron Hubbard are of course all students available. The end result of that class or degree of describes level for level on the map. So after you reach a skill after another back such as The ability in the life and communication control to confront. Check the word”control” in Scientology means: things start, change and stop. Judging from the positive aspect, just tackle things or actions (to start), further making it (continue) and to stop them then, so carry out a cycle of action completely. Scientology distances itself completely from the conventional negative-based check”, which means is that one wants to control a person. The classification and Gradierungs – awareness card is actually the bridge, which spans the abyss and leads one to this higher level. This is a vision of the man has at least ten thousand years. It is an exact route with exactly coordinated practices that achieved reliable profits and progress, if they are properly carried out. Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109, Scientology and their religious services 2009_kw01.html

Federal Council

“If I have deducted all costs and taxes, work for 13 Euro per hour this is I real less than before ten years.” Silent and quiet don’t forget the consequence: once forty clients sufficient for professional carers had an income, so they must take today fifty cases. As a result, that for old, sick, or disabled individuals often too little time remains. Here, the are often silent, which make clients forget”, which includes many people with dementia as vocational supervisor explained Brigitte Nelles. FDP politician by Stieglitz, urged therefore, you must treat the people do not like files”. “And her colleague Minka Dott urged the professional carers: you get out of your modesty and be so loud as others do it too!” With the planned Conference and the Federal Council initiative in view of the BdB wants to take further steps in this direction. The BdB the Federal Association of professional betreuerinnen e.V.

(BdB) has more than 6,000 members and was founded in 1994 in the wake of the new supervision law. Thus, the BdB is the largest representation of interests of the profession of “Care”. The Association represents professional interests towards politics and the public, professionally developed the profession is committed to the quality development and assurance in the care work and offers extensive facilities and services.