Tag: society and culture


As they would say the old ones: in the soccer it does not exist If. if the ball had caught a wind and the aerodynamics modified its trajectory and if the goleiro had left more for the right and the left does not stop and if simply the judge was another one that left the game to run more. If the game of Brazil had finished in the first time, Philip Melo would be the Gerson of the time with its vertical pass of the way of field covers until it of first in the ball of the Robinho that would be the Skin, that would repeat the mark of the king to the being a player of the Saints to mark goal in the pantry, heresy? Disrespect to a so huge generation as of 70? In the same truth it would be passion, of that you exaggerate or underestimation the loved person, the object of desire, and this passion, world-wide fever happens of four in four years, and as in relationships who finish and start with new partners, thus ours canarinho resurges, still we compare with the old love, we want that the current one is so brilliant how much the old one. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Vanessa Marcil has to say. We want that it is equal to the old one in the appearance, faster modern e, because yes the time moved, and competition already is not more as old. But the soccer is two times of forty and five minutes more the additions, and Philip Melo turned player fertile valley. Of that nobody wants in the teams, who when it arrives the barbecue after the game starts more early, and the Robinho capsized plus one between that they try to be king, optimum one of the world. (As opposed to Anna Belknap). the yellow streets little come back to be colored of green and, and in the bars the subject is not more the election, now the subject is not more so national. . . Sean Rad, New York City is likely to increase your knowledge.

Music In The Scene Of The Marriage

Music is an art, with thousand of years of evolution until arriving at the present. The music placed in a marriage can be the reason that all stimulates the event for its maximum exponent, a obtained and memorable party at every level. Source: Tony Parker. To prepare a marriage can be a little complicated because any fianc and necessary fianc to guarantee that its ceremony goes to be a true success, since the arrival to the church, during the ball, until the o moment of exit of the fiancs and the guests. But it is not only in the music of the marriage that the fiancs must have care. Any scene of buffet must be always folloied for a cardpio care, where the feeding can have the purpose to please to who is vegetarian, or to who it is making diet and it does not want to break this cycle. However it does not forget that many guests very do not appreciate the music hearing during the buffet. Each time more is possible to find fifth and restaurant with enclosed music of marriage in the price of the lease of the room or in the rendering of services is sufficiently common.

The fiancs must give attention in the musician and try to hear actuao to perceive if the animation music is inside of its expectations. Many restaurants and fifth of marriages offer sufficient conditions for the accomplishment of the marriage, still thus it must ask for the climatization system and understand if it is in perfect functioning. In case that you are to think what the climatization has to see with the music of the marriage and its guests, it is namely that the presence of a good system of climatization is more important of what can seem. A room without a good conditional air system could be very ackward for its guests especially during the actuao of the marriage artist. The party can be sufficiently ackward for its guests at the moment where the guests to start to dance and the heat to start to be extreme.

Whenever the fianc is possible, familiar or somebody directamente on to the act of contract of the involved professionals in the installment of services during the marriage, it must visit not only the places but try to know the people who are involved in its production. This includes the professionals who go to serve the buffet, the company that goes to deliver the cake, the person that goes to place the decoration and the flowers in the church and also the musician who goes to sing musics in the marriage. because the ball in the marriage is essential, normally is the fiancs who open the moment of the dance, therefore nothing better of what choosing and having previously assayed the subject so that the photos and mainly the videos are perfect. How much to the type of musician and to music style that can choose, each time more the choice passes for the DJ, the musician artist who sings and touches or then for the band who receives the incubency to liven up to fiancs and guests until the marriage reaches its end.

Archaeological Tourism

This summary presents subsidies of the centered activities of patrimonial education in the archaeological actions of the Mountain range of the Capivara, as support for a construction of cultural, preservacionista, dialogued and tourist conscience in the region. Arguments of an experience carried through for adolescents are also presented, organizadores of a group of study on the Rupestre Art of Piau (CDAR-PI), in an experiment with some public schools of the city of Are Raymond Nonato. Aiming at support, the archaeological and cultural tourism in the vision of the young generation of the surrounding cities to the National Park Mountain range of the Capivara, beyond the reinforcement and belonging of the identities operating in the region. Words keys: Archaeology, Patrimonial Education, cultural tourism I-INTRODUO the National Park Mountain range of the Capivara world-wide is ambicionado by its wealth archaeological, atypical its bioma, and for its biodiversity. These aspects had served as to be nominated beddings as cultural patrimony of the Humanity for UNESCO. However still it has a local absence of sensitization and politics, when the requirement is the preservation conservation and maintenance of the Park. This can happen directly for some factors not yet debated, one of the facts can be for the actions not to generate immediate profits for investors deals in it local since the funny economy I deal around it, or not to generate vote the politicians, conserving this riqussimo quantity. The activities developed for the conservation ends preservation and recognition of the patrimony in the region are only the position, of the FUMDHAM, IPHAN? , UNIVASF, ICMBIO agencies that act together with the Foundation where the same search to develop a promotion in the search for investments next to the public power, and in the local sensitization how much to the preservation of the patrimony through cultural events, similar workshops, lectures, congresses, seminaries and.

Alternative Tourism

The tourist activity in the agricultural way comes receiving different denominations. It has an enormous gamma of terms and expressions, being that this diversity of terms in accordance with varies the reality of each country or region, leading in account the exploitation of the existing resources in the agricultural space. It has different denominations as, for example: Green tourism, Tourism of Interior, endogenous Tourism, Alternative Tourism, Campestre Tourism, Agroecoturismo, Ecoagroturismo, Agricultural Tourism, Agroturismo, among others. 1,3 Agricultural tourism the conceptualization of Agricultural Tourism if abides in the territorial, economic aspects, in the natural resources, cultural and social. Based in these aspects the Ministry of the Tourism it appraised the agricultural tourism as: The set of developed tourist activities in the agricultural way, compromised with the farming production, adding value the products and services, rescuing and promoting the cultural and natural patrimony of the community. (MINISTRY TOURISM, 2003, p.11). Saints (2008, p.36) emphasize that the agricultural Tourism must be perceived as an activity that prospers, that it grows in the half agriculturist, not as main part, but as alternative to give form to the agricultural world. Sartor assevera that: Agricultural tourism corresponds to the exercise of developed tourist activities in agricultural areas.

It implies the production of tourist goods and services destined to satisfy a tourist clientele, who is attracted by the consumption of these goods in the agricultural environment. (SARTOR, 1981, p.13). Brunetti (apud Beni, 2006, p.53) defends that the agricultural tourism is developed in agricultural spaces, where the people searchs leisure, recreation and rest. The activity has as base a sincronia of nature, human and cultural contact, with benefits for both to the parts; visited visitor and. For Tulik the Agricultural Tourism: … is developed in declining agricultural areas or estagnadas, mainly in that they had been affected by crises economic; it has diffuse implantation, in small scale and occurs in the neighborhoods of emitting centers; it is supported in the agrarian activity; it has contributed to diversify the income of the proprietors and to fix the population to the agricultural way.