Tag: medicine


Lemon, well tightens the skin. Just because of him, you can narrow pores. But it must be applied cautiously. Use lemon, it should be masked for the skin that have a softening effect and neutralize the citric acid. For example, Lemon juice can be used with banana, cream, milk.

The best fruit for oily skin, is a vine. Grape juice can be applied in pure form. But we should remember that the juice from the package does not have any medicinal properties. For treatment purposes, select only fresh juice. It is best to crush grapes with seeds in a blender and apply slurry to the face. Spinach will save you from any annoyance. Wash it in clean water and boil for several minutes.

Crush, apply the slurry on the face. You can also use nettle, but it should cook longer. If you have very dry skin, nourishes it with a mixture of cream and fruit. Such Cream is the ideal food. It suffices as fat and moisture, which must be dry skin. In order to awaken from winter depression, apply to face sauerkraut, it is very rich in vitamin C. This is very charges and refreshes the skin. Keep your face 20 minutes, the skin becomes like a petal, soft and velvety. One of the unique products that are Cheerios. They make your skin smooth and supple. Potato has bleaching property. Grate fresh potatoes on a fine grater, put on your face before going to bed in the morning rinse. If you are uncomfortable, wash off after 20 minutes, but better at night. In the morning the skin is smooth, light and smooth. In order to achieve the effect of sunburn, use a coffee scrub. Pour a spoonful of ground coffee and a small amount of boiling water, let configure themselves min 10. Then rub it and rinse face belongings.