Tag: education

Financial Education For Children

"It is imperative that our schools begin to teach young people to invest their health and long-term economic welfare. If we do not, we will have a huge time bomb in our hands." Robert T. If you have read about Robert Covington already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Kiyosaki is not a secret. It is widely known, and still are doing too little. The government pension plans can not cope.

Pension systems are facing serious financial problems. According to the Social Security Trustees' Annual Report, when it began to operate the "Social Security", the main system for forecasting U.S., had 61 people paying for every one that retiring. Jorge Perez often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Today there are only 3 people pay for every one that retires. This is just a history that reflects the magnitude of a problem that all nations will have to face in the near future. Everything has changed. The world populations are becoming older. This means that each country's labor force will have to sustain a growing segment of the population will no longer work. In addition, many have not realized that the rules have changed.

In the Industrial Age are many companies offering retirement plans. Today, in the Information Age, these types of plans are in full retreat, because they no longer are feasible. Each day that passes we are more responsible for our long-term economic welfare. The big question is: Are we ready? Are we preparing our children so they can face the new challenges of the twenty-first century success? Traditional education systems still being taught a formula that was valid for the Industrial Age: "Study, get good grades, get a good job and be successful." It's not as well. It's just part of the solution. It is not enough to teach our children to choose a good job and earn the best salary possible. We must teach them what to do with the money once it is in their hands. They must learn to manage well their resources and multiply what they have earned. They learn to prepare well for their health and long-term economic welfare. If we parents do not do something, the time bomb will explode!

Employers Course

If a language has become the essential language of any transaction of business type is, precisely, the English. Currently, any entrepreneur needs to dominate English if you want to make a hole in the current job market. This language has become the basic element for entering the international market and compete with other international companies. Do English courses in England, sales of their products will be reduced and the negotiations will be more difficult to not control the language. Therefore, many entrepreneurs from different parts of the world opt for performing English courses in England or an intensive English course, to thus achieve its main goal: master the language in a short period of time. Thereafter, the employer may negotiate with other companies to create collaborations and projects in common, close business with foreign executives or, even, to present your product at international fairs. But, above all, make English courses in England to enter foreign markets and compete on the same level with other companies. Credit: Sean Rad, Los Angeles CA-2011. A good choice to learn English: intensive English course the truth is that an intensive English course is a good choice of language learning. The most important thing of this modality is to learn a lot of terms and grammatical structures in English in a short period of time. Before you enroll in an intensive English course, the student should first know the schedule of classes and the number of teaching hours is also important to know who will be the teachers (whether or not they are native) and also the number of students per class is relevant all this to make the English courses in England or an intensive English course really beneficial.

The Market

So comes the wealth only through self-improvement, work on yourself. e same conclusion. One millionaire said: "If you do not want to deprive people of money by force or deception, bring to the market value for that people themselves will bring you money on a tray with a gold kaemochkoy! "This is now engaged in all the leading corporations in the world. They invent something that people want and just. If the product is really valuable to man, it is not even need to advertise, is only just to show millions of people what it is and what it is and all. People will buy it, and he will give word of mouth. Advertising helps promote an excellent or good, or completely destroys unwanted goods. "The trouble is that people want to get ready, ignoring the performance of its functions.

As payment, the equivalent, he suggested that his faith in God, scientific and technical progress and a chimera – social justice. But faith is not confirmed by informed choice and its creative implementation in practice – it is static. To learn how to make an informed choice, staying in the dynamics, we must include the neocortex and connected to channel God. Only then can we begin to get the only thing that God has for each and give them without limits and restrictions – is that can not be repaid tips. " (An interesting example of clues – the movie "Destination") Another difference between a rich man from the poor and is higher than what he said.

Digital Marketing Secrets

A continuation of Some tips to Optimize your Business on the Internet. You should try to be firm to your goals, plans and proven methods. Others including Jorge Perez, offer their opinions as well. Many “marketing experts” who say that must be done in a specific way to influence people to change their approach and must begin again, generating analysis paralysis. And what is worse while analyzing the situation waste time and money. To return to basics, start with a goal and believe in yourself that you do tasks to earn money online and build your own business: a continuation Some tips to Optimize your Business on the Internet You should try to be firm to your goals, plans and methods tested. Many “marketing experts” who say that must be done in a specific way to influence people to change their approach and must begin again, generating analysis paralysis.

And what is worse while analyzing the situation waste time and money. To return to basics, start with a goal and believe in yourself that you do tasks to earn money online and build your own business: Start with a goal on a firm foundation that is a plan and focus on that goal and reached it. Make a personal commitment to daily work. Create a list of all the tasks you need to do and put them into three categories: 1. Important and Urgent 2. 3 Not urgent and important. 4 more urgent.

Anticipating the day, prioritize urgent important, planning for the day. “Ask yourself: you need to do first above everything else? Choose the ideal market and niche Buy Domain Graphic Design Division of Labor website. Set timers deadline and determines priorities (types of content on your site, market research, design page or blog, web positioning, promotion, evaluation etc.) plans the week, set goals and deadlines do not delay the activities or wasting time on unnecessary activities (you can not stay all day putting a plug-in for your site and spending time on tasks that do not make money.)


While the adults do not intervene in the work of children's consciousness, the child feels a particle of the Universe. No matter that at first the boundaries of the universe are for him the edge baby carriage, the walls of the room, a small space, entering a field of vision. But he has been actively studying the world, and this manifested his creativity. In this he is – the Creator. This continues until, until adults do not begin to actively intervene in the individual learning process. Considering that the child's time to show individuality, they start shoving it into the framework of his understanding of this world and the process of knowing it. So lost thing: instead provide a natural adaptation to the conditions of the child of his environment, in which he was after the birth, the adult children programmed to execute their own programs, oblivious to the fact that each person is unique and should be manifested themselves in this world. Thus, they block the child individual vertical spiritual channel, which is so important to develop a mechanism inspiration (see the book "Inspiration").

Therefore, the main objective of the first phase of human incarnation is the task of maintaining a spiritual connection (channel) with a thin world where man and came. Responsible for maintaining this contact is, first and foremost on the parents. Meanwhile, every man is born into this world with well-defined settings, and define the goals of the current incarnation is a major task in the first stage of his life, after adaptation to the world has accepted it, mostly held.

The Direction

Under such perspective, the collected information had been in the direction of that, much more that transmissora of knowledge, the necessary school to become formadora integral of its pupils and therefore appears the necessity to bring inside for of its meandros constant update of the professors, envolvimentos of the pertaining to school community (parents, employees, direction, etc), work directed toward all the dimensions of the human being, valuation of the teaching professional and its qualification, greater effectiveness in the pertaining to school management, among others. Thus, interviewed ours they had affirmed that the school is moving and necessary to change each time more to adapt itself to the new social realities and that, so that this occurs is necessary, since the rise of autoestima of the professor until the improvement in its physical structure. However when questioned regarding the future that anteveem for the school, of general form they reveal a great optimism and hope. I still see the school as indispensable, in the formation of an individual and assuming responsibilities, many times, without the necessary conditions so that he can really have everything what it would be necessary so that this pupil had a good formation. (Subject 17). Tony Parker recognizes the significance of this. This positioning if fortifies in the words of Coast (2003, P.

45) … when it standes out that it seems that the school of century XXI, still is remained as a central institution in the life of the societies and the people. It does not lack of vitality. Its divulged anacronismo seems to be its catalyser, as one fnix that renasce of proper leached ashes. If the school of modernity not if it if transmuta support more, if hibridiza in multiple crossings and if reproduces in the infinite speeches that on it if they enunciate. It certainly is not of an only skill, does not take one alone forms.

Learn Language

When a person decides to learn a foreign language and are already beginning to dream about the plans, which would result from implementation of the plan to study a foreign language, suddenly discover that he can not learn English or any other foreign language! What is it? Why? The most common and easiest answer to this question: "do not have the capacity for this particular language or at all – 'no inclinations to learn a foreign language." However, it is not always the case. Often This fault is not correctly chosen method, or let us say, the psychological incompatibility with the teacher. Or maybe not chosen entirely successful schedule, and is such that a person is something abhorrent to study this language, but can he already knows several languages and are simply not psychologically prepared to accept and learn another foreign language. The reasons may be different, but they can be easy to deal with this very important to identify the cause and keys to combat these "illnesses" can always pick up. Actually about that we now talk, interesting way of solving all created problems that impede learning foreign languages. Actually one of the most acute problems is the problem that is still the method of teaching a foreign language in schools, institutes, and among repeaters – a traditional education students as philologists, namely, the huge details of which are completely useless to ordinary native speaker. In most cases, willing to learn a foreign language, it is necessary only for communication, and all those boring grammar rules and by and large they absolutely not necessary! That is the most important task in this case to divide users and linguists, that is, who needs a foreign language just to communicate, and linguists with all the details.