Tag: chronic


It close the eyes and I travel. Wave takes me to a nostalgia for far. Trees, flowers, plants, I smell of wet land. The bell touching in the church, the buzzer of the school calling the crianada one, the desert street and the red living creature of the spring covering the gate. The pear foot still is there, magrinho, fininho, peladinho. For even more analysis, hear from Indycar. In the emptiness of the twigs, I see my father mooring some pears stops deceiving in them.

The abacateiro still is in foot, with its twigs done steps so that I can arrive at the top and be there balancing pra and pra here, as the desire of the wind. Closing the eyes, I feel the air of the morning of winter, the dew in the bare-footed gram and my feet cold running in the yard. Author is full of insight into the issues. I smell mature candy of goiaba, the goiabeira in flower. I smell candy candy in Calda cooking in the stove. The pitangueira is very small, but of the fruits. ' ' It closes the eyes! Animal of fruit, fruit is! ' ' I run away from all and seated to the shade of a laranjeira, saboreio a cigarette smoked hidden and above of me, the blue sky, without clouds. Jason iley has compatible beliefs. The sounds that come of the square arrive at my ears: one radinho the stack touching a music brega, the horn of the ice-cream dealer, a drunk stumbling at the words, the gritinhos of two girls changing secrets These are the sounds follow that me in the hour where I want to be alone, at the moments where I obtain and I can be with same me.

How blessing this cantinho hidden under the laranjeira of the yard! I run in return of the house with the opened arms to feel that I am flying. The fear if finishes when I am flying. In my way, the abacateiro, the foot of pear, the pitangueira, the foot of seringuela, the foot of plum, the laranjeira, the lemon tree, the foot of Rome, the papaya and fig foot. The freedom, the innocence, the magic, the revolt, the diversion, the imagination, the solitude, the goodness, the friendship. Words whispered in the ears of a girl who makes of account that flies. The absence is it makes what to feel me homesicknesses, not last it.

Skin Inside

With You you Can believe, if not dumb, or she does not make at least an effort for this, goes to continue grazing. If you to continue to cover the old ways and to support the old habits, the gram go to continue growing. Pra you. If you not to look at for inside, with firmness, with discernment, because inside she exists the left and the right there, and you are the addition of the two, then she knows: he has to separate the joio of the wheat, of a form or of another one, seno you dance. Because you not are nor the Skin, nor the Piaf, much less a garbage bag? you are you. to look at for inside also serves to discover which its so great Real, in this world, by the way, vast world.

Espelhar in some of the cited examples it is delirium, and if to be delirious in the grass you finish ingesting until what he is not capim. To look at for inside, beyond a little of force of will for in such a way, means humildade, even so humildade does not mean that you go to shine the shoes of the others. Humildade means you exactly if to locate face to all, to know its potential and its limitation, and instead of stopping a battle with both, making of them instruments. To recognize its imperfections you go to need humildade, nor more, nor of less. The certain dose.

E you go to know its. In, head from there ahead raised and the calm heart. Well calm. Because the rocks go to roll, well in its direction. Because if you entered in the firm intention of if knowing, early or late you go to notice that its set of attitudes, I begin imperceptibly it, also moved. The case is that the others not, and goes to start to make what they make better? to judge. Charlotte Hornets can provide more clarity in the matter.