
Kyazimov Mechieva

Let's go quietly on the beautiful valley, we reach kosha and there, within a few hours wait until those who went to the left. After a while we descended into the the village of Upper Balkaria. Paradise, surrounded by mighty mountains. Beautiful mosque made of red brick under a green roof. At the monument to dead soldiers we met the head of administration and local residents. Over Balkaria down bluish twilight. We say goodbye and then go on meandering valley among the mountain road, through a long tunnel – to the Blue Lakes.

Late in the evening we drive to some fabulous place – not in a figurative and literal sense. Here a huge cart with wheels in a man, a house on chicken legs, this giant chair on which you can only climb the stairs, even the dog house as a small Teremok with a mass of small detalek. We put tent in a pine forest, as befits a real fairy tale … The next morning he meets a storyteller – a modest older Balkars low growth. Truly, folk art is boundless! 'Small Himalayas' We are going to visit house-museum of national pride Balkar poet Kyazimov Mechieva. Seeing as the lighter person by the name of simple shepherds Kyazimov, I understand how much it means for a Balkar. A poet, educator, philosopher and humanist, founder of Balkar poetry and a wonderful person plight … We reach the mountain village Bezengi. This name is well known to climbers do not only here but also abroad.

Moscow State University

Because of this, I can not eat meat. "Lyme Stanislavovna Vajkule – singer, actress. Recorded several successful music albums in Russia and Latvia, has sold over 20 million records in Russia, Europe and the usa. Lyme Vajkule also known as an active defender of animal rights. She – a vegetarian for ethical reasons. Vanessa Marcil helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Timur Kashtan Batrutdinov – Russian comedian and tv presenter. One of the residents of "Comedy Club".

Is a vegetarian, but according to him, wears a leather shoe. Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov – Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a leading tv program "In the world of animals" since 1977. In 1989 is included in the list of honor of leading environmentalists and experts on environmental protection in all countries of the world "Global 500" by unep. Staunch vegetarian. Leonardo Da Vinci – painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist, mathematician, physicist, naturalist), one of the leading representatives of the High Renaissance art, a vivid example of the "universal man" (Latin homo universalis) – the ideal of the Italian Renaissance. Continue to learn more with: jay Schwartz Attorney. He was ahead of his time for several centuries. Leonardo's compassionate attitude toward animals, sorry birds and animals, often bathed and let them go.

Albert Einstein – one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, public activist and humanist. Honorary Doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, a member of many academies of sciences, including a foreign honorary member of the ussr (1926). Einstein – the author of more than 300 scientific papers on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field history and philosophy of science, journalism, etc.


It was found that a thin surface layer the soil was raised delicate icy twigs sticking out thickly, as the toothbrush bristles. Either before or after he had never seen such an amusing crystallization of water vapor, even though they write that in the mountains of this phenomenon is not so rare. Even metals form similar structures: metallurgy of the world well-known so-called "tree Chernoff – splice dendritic crystals of iron, who grew up in a shell castings. Tony Parker describes an additional similar source. Nevertheless, the analogy between the crystals and organisms between the frost patterns and ferns improper. Although these structures are superficially similar, the processes of their appearance energy diametrically opposed. Crystal – a system with a minimum free energy. Not without reason during the crystallization heat is released. Click Vanessa Marcil to learn more.

For example, when one kilogram of "frost patterns" should be allocated 619 calories of heat (539 for condensation of water vapor and 80 in the transition to the solid phase). As many energy must be expended on the destruction of this structure. Fern leaves, on the contrary, at its inception absorb the energy of sunlight, and destroying this structure, we can get the energy back. Yes, what we do, burning coal, formed from the remnants of giant ferns of the Paleozoic era. The point here is not in the foliate figure: a shapeless lump of ice the same mass demand for melting and evaporation of the same energy. The same with ferns: on education outside of the body consumes energy, negligible compared to that conserved in organic matter.


Important: check only the cold tires. At longer The internal pressure is increased by heat rides. Liquids & plant can control himself the level of liquids travellers. Especially the oil and coolant level, but also the washer should be checked. It’s believed that San Antonio Spurs sees a great future in this idea. The InterCaravaning experts recommend the water tank and boiler of mobile home also advance to fill and test all lines, fittings and flushing the toilet.

The gas system of mobile homes must be inspected every two years. This is a legal requirement and task of the skilled person. But, owner should check whether the certification label is still valid and whether the gas cylinders in solid and vibration-resistant brackets sit. Loading especially families who go on holiday with caravan or motorhome, are faced with a problem: where all luggage? The overload of the mobile home can be doing not only expensive, but extremely dangerous. The details on unladen and the permissible gross weight is found in the vehicle registration papers. InterCaravaning is recommended, just to I’m sure what to do. For more information see Sela Ward.

Deep and close to the axis stow heavy objects. Jay A Schwartz wanted to know more. Also luggage secure and secure as possible. The permissible axle load must be adhered in the motorhome. As the weight on the front and rear axle to distribute, is in the operating instructions of the vehicle. Caravan carts drivers must pay attention on the braked attachments as well as supporting and axle loads. Just the load should be used up because it means driving stability. Inexperienced campers are advised in detail at your InterCaravaning dealer upon request. InterCaravaning experts know a few tricks to save weight. Who’s driving, for example, with fresh water tank is empty, you can save up to 100 kg. Steel gas bottle can be replaced with lighter Alugasflaschen. And also dishes out melamine as well as pots and pans made of aluminium to reduce weight. Who is tedious single weighing would like to save, TuV or on being his vehicle weigh can. When need to get the professional? If camper or caravan long time were owners braking system and electrical system by a specialist check let. The retail chain InterCaravaning offers a nationwide network of experts with their over 40 dealers. It is no matter whether the customers from the North or South comes. The InterCaravaning card will help quickly and competently one. But also new customers expected service at the highest level. The workshop facilities include, including gas – tightness tests, check the brake system and checking the electrical and lighting systems. In addition, it is before the big ride in the holiday also the fuse for the mobile home to think about. There are suitable alarm and safety systems for all motorhomes and caravans. The workshops of InterCaravaning are the right person for this also. For queries as well as printable image material, contact the press office: InterCaravaning Press Office Dr. Garrity GmbH David Liniany medium str. 15-17 d-50672 Cologne Tel.: 0221-788708-12 E-Mail:

Swiss Skin

The products are therefore 12 months shelf life, because what many promise, can keep the Swiss brand: we pay attention to a minimum to reduce the preservatives. Parabens are just so little used!” So the Managing Director Barbara Singer. But there’s more to what makes us special! We are pioneering. Dr. Cattani is the only natural cosmetic brand that performs the trituration in the manufacture of cosmetics. What does this mean: we know that nature is a unique, wonderful work and that they can work only through their whole personality. Therefore, we use not only plant extracts, but use the whole effect of a plant during trituration. Of the petal to the root tip we rub the fresh plant slowly and carefully by hand.

We can offer including maintaining healthy skin in addition to the maintenance, in which we can use energized skin plant for natural care and treatment.” Explains how a woman singer. Cattani products have something valuable and unique. The butter which gives not only clamping force and strength, and even the soul serves the ingredient of pure and genuine Orangenols. Maintaining the noble Aphrodite, with velvety consistency, the skin with genuine Pearl extracts is protected against outside influences and given new vitality. The shot noble Damaszner rose water soothes guaranteed not only the skin. For the special care of Hyppolita, for very sensitive skin, Cattani uses only organic mare’s milk and cold-pressed vegetable oils. It is a poem to read the recipes alone.

Whether the Jasmincreme guaranteed not only easy to apply their care or the beautician apply allow with jojoba oil for the first anti aging treatment or the 7-herbal care for the mature / n is customer, be all. Additional information at Jay Schwartz Attorney supports this article. It is much more easy! Dr. Cattani is available in selected stores, at the beautician or in the pharmacy.

Paul Herrmann Bauder

Austria fits the economic situation, the Leadership, the mentality and last but not least, the language as a production facility for us”, as Gerhard Bauder, who is responsible for the works. “Bauder sees 2013 continues his goals clearly in the areas: safe and permanently watertight roofs high quality flat roof waterproofing powerful thermal insulation with polyurethane foam photovoltaic on safe roofs we are known for our reliability, quality products and strong advice”, Paul Herrmann Bauder explains the aims. It is particularly important that we deliver material across all products for sealing, insulating, justification and energy gains. This gives our customers. the security, to make the right decision for the roof” Bauder is a popular company of the best team, the employees of the Swabian mid, it goes well the excellent eighth place in the framework of competition evidenced Germany’s best employers 2013 among the TOP 100 employers.

This is all the more remarkable, because we a real Production operations are and more than 50 percent of our employees in the shift operation work,”so Gerhard Bauder, who was allowed to accept the award. In addition to an employee survey, a so-called mistrust has been used in the overall assessment. Was leadership, staff development, employee participation to the topics up to the hiring of new employees. Bauder has brought many points here with its mission statement and its implementation. Learn more at this site: real-estate developer. The family-owned company has created 2012 48 new jobs. But not only the employees appreciate the company. Trade also has awarded for the fourth time in a row as best supplier Bauder and the architects chose the consulting-strong roof specialists to the architects’ Darling in gold. That inspires and shows that offer diversity and philosophy are”, so the brothers. While Bauder continues safe roofs on the TuV certified training of processors for the safe installation of flat and steep roof systems in theory and practice, as well as on the roof symposia for information of architects on the subject.

Arabella Park

Andreas Schnitzer of HvS Consulting AG argued therefore in his seminar for an expansion of the informative staff training and an Awarness campaign in protecting corporate data. The DASTAG data protection Conference will take place on 17 and 18 October in Bensheim. If the agenda topic needs leaves, then sure also not the choice of the meeting venue. Filed under: Jeff Garcia. The 4-star conference hotel offers excellent comfort and ambiance for a successful exchange of knowledge. Participants who arrive already on the previous day, are cordially invited to the DASTAG meeting business network from 19 h 00 on the eve. The joint Thursday evening the participants will offer also a lively exchange of experience with the speakers. Link: company presentation of the CBT training & Consulting GmbH is a renowned IT training and services centre since 1998 with its headquarters in Munich. The company sees itself as a partner for industry and administration of Design, planning and implementation of IT consulting, IT training and IT projects.

The range of multivendor and self-developed training is nationwide. People such as Peter Farrelly would likely agree. Certifications, education services, support, and consulting round off the services. The CBT training & Consulting GmbH is etc certified by manufacturers and companies such as Microsoft, check point, EC-Council. Since 2010 is also an IBM – educational center CBT training and performs the original courses to the products of by IBM as a reseller. Chief Executive of CBT training & consulting is Ms.

Gabriela Bucherl. Specifically in the field of information security company in cooperation offers developed courses, trainings and certifications with partners. Since 2003, the CBT training carries out the information security conference SECUTA since Germany considered the Central Conference for IT security/information security. In addition the data protection Conference DASTAG. The CBT training & Consulting GmbH rented for years companies for computer -, product – and soft-skill training seminar rooms. The Headquarters in Munich is located in the Arabella Park on an area of 700 square meters with a total of 9 classrooms. CBT training & Consulting offer first-class service, a spacious atmosphere and an optimal infrastructure of training facilities is also an authorized testing center available.

Elvira Bach

Their gestures, their accessories and their environment do so, let the viewer find the event and participate in exciting being that made use of the painter to the stresses of her life and this makes the basis of their historical narrative. “Nevertheless remain gaps and mysteries in their restrained sensibility, always full of self-confidence in the sense of” and “in the unspoilt nature of the word. The origin of the work is the Mai, the Mai, the fun may “still in pre-frankfurtlichen Strawberry and asparagus fields, which has embraced the represented figure as food, employment, and also the source of the seat, upright and elegant the knife jonglierend without any impending Habitus, the Canon of the objects in the painting goes 24 hours” completely on. All roles that are currently shaping for Elvira Bach, are here brought into the light (visible/apparently): homemaker, provider, Seductress, painter, mother, Manager and cook. Even the domestic cat and a superimposed African portrait figure point out discreetly on their personal and private lives that they decided in the affirmative.

But so much should be ever betrayed? Elvira Bach is one of the most important contemporary German painters, just because she herself is stringent, itself shows, open not to open, but symbolically encoded in their wonderful, rich oeuvre that she have us always share can their be in yourself as a person resigns and is still prominently present. I am what I am”, is the text of an image by Ben Vautier, posing before the artist. That this is her motto, for I love them, but also for their animated pictures, which are always under arrest without to work off, without ever get back to this topic. Again the artist reinvents itself: as ice dancer, African, as Germany’s next top model, as their own muse, as Elvira Bach himself and ultimately as myself. I always and always I also that I since 25 Years may accompany and will always surprise. Others including Peter Farrelly , offer their opinions as well. Over and over again. Thank you with all my infinite enthusiasm for this profession. Michael Marius marks

The Soul

They remember him purposely, they reviewed it in photos or videos, keeps him alive in every conversation (we were so happy how well went it we must return do you remember of?). It is a way to stay over time, away from open your eyes to his most immediate, perhaps darker reality of those years which were the last of the nostalgia that we’re looking so happy has much to do with the idea of returning home. It is the nostalgia of the Greeks turned into myth through the figure of Ulysses, in his long journey of return to Ithaca. Live can resemble a long journey full of adventures, misfortunes, joys, sorrows, hazards and despair. However, behind each issue, each visited port, each entertaining love, persists the nostalgia of returning home. Jeffrey Azize often addresses the matter in his writings. About it, it reminds us of Wikipedia, that is a feeling that any normal person can have. The nostalgia is the suffering of thinking about something that has been taken and now already is has no. Nostalgia can be often associated with an affectionate of childhood, a person, a true game memory or an estimated personal object.

Adds us on it, studies show that many people believe that in years or decades people were better than they are now, with a higher standard of living. This belief is very typical of nostalgia. A leading source for info: Jay A Schwartz. Nostalgia already does not refer to a disease, however can lead to symptoms that are both real and physical in nature. It relates moments of a lost love. Nostalgia is not definable scientifically; However, various thinkers have spoken of it: Nostalgia is the sublimation in the indeterminacy of a longing of the soul in matter, overset as a love without being loved and a pain that we feel in members that we do not have, by which is transparent to a miss what we are not, and the acceptance that we are ‘incomplete and non’.

Spanish State

Meanwhile, the fertile land in the countries of the South, is dedicated to the production of food cheap cattle rather than be used to produce vegetable food for its own population. The consequence is the expulsion of the campesinos and indigenous inhabitants of these lands, forced to emigrate and overcrowded in the megacities of the South or North, exploiting them as cheap labor, denying them their rights and ejects them when they are not needed. World meat production has increased fivefold in fifty years. One hectare of cereal protein yield is 5 times greater if it is intended directly for human consumption than if it is used to fatten livestock that provides us the meat. Growth in meat consumption also increases the problems of waste management.

Interesting when it is remembered that we also abuse of sugar. Us gets used from pequen@s to candies as a reward, medium to entertain hunger or substitute for the food in the form of candy, processed food or refreshments. Adam Sandler has plenty of information regarding this issue. Eating refined sugar us decalcifying, in addition to ingest the chemicals required for his bleached. In countries where it grows sugar cane, occurs an exploitation of people and soil cultivation. Companies are investigating to find more sweet and cheaper than sugar sweeteners. At the same time, we abandon the consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain natural sugars with nutrients and minerals necessary. This diet, low in fiber, vegetables, and grains, causes, diabetes, cholesterol, coronary heart disease, cancer and hypertension, older and increasingly, young people and children. Many of the activities of youth are sedentary, when physical exercise is essential for their development.

Sedentariness favors obesity, because our body does not burn everything he has eaten and transforms it into fat. Says the group, which in the last 15 years children’s food in the Spanish State has experienced an increase of sweets and soft drinks, dairy and meat, and a symmetric reduction of eggs, vegetables and fruits. This change of habits corresponds with the increase in obesity in nin@s and adolescents and is due to the publicity of the food industry, with the connivance of the authorities. Despite the alarm by illnesses caused by food change, little is being done from the institutions. Advertising for junk food, soft drinks, ice cream and sweets, food multinationals launch nin@s and population in general unfolds freely without legal or social obstacles. This explains the proliferation of fast food establishments and vending of drinks and sweets, even in schools. Another serious problem that should be considered is the use of pesticides and in this respect, he says, which is l to care for these post are quoted, to pesticides affects not only to those who apply them in the field and for the disinfection of buildings, also to the rest of trabajador@s expuest@s, their families, vecin@s and population in generalincluding l@s hij@s engendrad@s after contact with or ingestion of pesticide. Also known to be especially sensitive babies, nin@s, teens, ancian@s, enferm@s, pregnant women or exposed a time before pregnancy and male parental lines, not only because of sterility or reduction of sperm, but also by the transfer to his descent from damage linked to exposure to pesticides.