This summary presents subsidies of the centered activities of patrimonial education in the archaeological actions of the Mountain range of the Capivara, as support for a construction of cultural, preservacionista, dialogued and tourist conscience in the region. Arguments of an experience carried through for adolescents are also presented, organizadores of a group of study on the Rupestre Art of Piau (CDAR-PI), in an experiment with some public schools of the city of Are Raymond Nonato. Aiming at support, the archaeological and cultural tourism in the vision of the young generation of the surrounding cities to the National Park Mountain range of the Capivara, beyond the reinforcement and belonging of the identities operating in the region. Words keys: Archaeology, Patrimonial Education, cultural tourism I-INTRODUO the National Park Mountain range of the Capivara world-wide is ambicionado by its wealth archaeological, atypical its bioma, and for its biodiversity. These aspects had served as to be nominated beddings as cultural patrimony of the Humanity for UNESCO. However still it has a local absence of sensitization and politics, when the requirement is the preservation conservation and maintenance of the Park. This can happen directly for some factors not yet debated, one of the facts can be for the actions not to generate immediate profits for investors deals in it local since the funny economy I deal around it, or not to generate vote the politicians, conserving this riqussimo quantity. The activities developed for the conservation ends preservation and recognition of the patrimony in the region are only the position, of the FUMDHAM, IPHAN? , UNIVASF, ICMBIO agencies that act together with the Foundation where the same search to develop a promotion in the search for investments next to the public power, and in the local sensitization how much to the preservation of the patrimony through cultural events, similar workshops, lectures, congresses, seminaries and.