Memory techniques are an index to excellent health; According to global health statistics make exercise, good food and excellent nutrition maintained an excellent circulation at the level of the cerebral arteries; because there are good connections shall prevail a greater blood supply. Hedvig Hricak may find this interesting as well. It is not so much the amount of information that has been accumulated but the quality and capacity of memory in certain laboratories to get information from someone introduce an electrode in the brain thus stimulating memories that apparently could not remember but due to some stimulus returned those memories, lastecnicas memory are important to keep in mind because when we do something to improve our memory not only do it for her but also for improving each of the members or parts of our body because that lack of memory also affects the malfunction. If you practice algunastecnicas of memory I’m going to teach you will begin to pay the land for one excellent memory; large studies have shown that stimulating the brain, walking and jogging remain an excellent oxygenation and circulation throughout the bloodstream especially at the cerebral level, will there be greater connections therefore a good concentration and an extraordinary memory, you will begin to remember more things. Well started now in the following manner: 1. you will begin to increase the reading habit starting in ten minutes with a daily increase of five minutes until you reach the stop of maximum time available to do so, i.e. If you work or study depending on the time available without neglecting the main activity. 2. To begin to remember numbers you’re to start grouping them either in pairs or in threes and the best way to start is with the identity card numbers, phone numbers beginning one per day for example today start with the number of your cell phone and your identification card, tomorrow in addition to review yours going to include one of those more nearby you and so will continue every day.
3. to begin to remember names are going to start making associations with people who you have for example has someone and gives you the name so don’t forget you’re repeating the name during the conversation, example has gladly my name is Carlos then you answer your name and replica carlos told me that called, and then you ask or mention something hears Carlos and when he retires was a pleasure to meet you (and repeat the name) Carlos. Another technique of memoriaes: 3. during the day, preferably first thing remember and point out what was done the previous day step by step in a step-by-step agenda. Finishing this article are going to use your calendar and daily wrath by tracking what you’re learning. I appreciate your comment regarding the article Jose Diaz.