– Yes and no. – What is it? – Did not understand the boy. – I do miracles, but only half …. – Half? – Asked Peter. – The fact that my magic force is only as long as people remember that I helped them. But they quickly forget about it and still nothing. – I do not quite understand – admitted Peter. Contact information is here: Fred Allen.
– Well, for example, you ask mom to buy you a football. Unless you got a gift, you remember about my mother. Is this true? – Yes, – agreed Peter. – But when you’re with the guys start to play football, you forget about her mother, and think only about how to score a goal. Similarly, going on with my magic. With the help of many of the most celebrated good and right desires in the world, but people quickly forget about it …
and it all disappeared. – Can I try to make a wish? – Of course. When make a, say, only the magic words: “Miracles happen” – and then your wish will come true. But know you can make a wish just one! The boy said goodbye to the wizard and soon he was riding the bus home and thinking: – must make a to grandmother recovered! Yes, but if I forget what it has done a magician, a grandmother ill again … No, not good. Then – even a bicycle? But if I start to skate and forget what it’s magic – a bicycle disappears. What do you do? .. Meanwhile, the bus pulled up to the required stop. The boy stood up and looked at … passengers and understand what to do. – I want all people to always remember that miracles do happen, and makes them a magician – loudly on the bus said the boy. He knew that he could no longer make a wish, but the magician will now be able to perform the desire of others. And he said the sacred words: “Miracles happen!” When he opened the apartment door, suddenly the phone rang. This was Grandmother: – Peter, a miracle happened! I was just completely recovered! – You will never get sick, my grandmother, – happily smiling, replied the boy. M.