The tourist activity in the agricultural way comes receiving different denominations. It has an enormous gamma of terms and expressions, being that this diversity of terms in accordance with varies the reality of each country or region, leading in account the exploitation of the existing resources in the agricultural space. It has different denominations as, for example: Green tourism, Tourism of Interior, endogenous Tourism, Alternative Tourism, Campestre Tourism, Agroecoturismo, Ecoagroturismo, Agricultural Tourism, Agroturismo, among others. 1,3 Agricultural tourism the conceptualization of Agricultural Tourism if abides in the territorial, economic aspects, in the natural resources, cultural and social. Based in these aspects the Ministry of the Tourism it appraised the agricultural tourism as: The set of developed tourist activities in the agricultural way, compromised with the farming production, adding value the products and services, rescuing and promoting the cultural and natural patrimony of the community. (MINISTRY TOURISM, 2003, p.11). Saints (2008, p.36) emphasize that the agricultural Tourism must be perceived as an activity that prospers, that it grows in the half agriculturist, not as main part, but as alternative to give form to the agricultural world. Sartor assevera that: Agricultural tourism corresponds to the exercise of developed tourist activities in agricultural areas.
It implies the production of tourist goods and services destined to satisfy a tourist clientele, who is attracted by the consumption of these goods in the agricultural environment. (SARTOR, 1981, p.13). Brunetti (apud Beni, 2006, p.53) defends that the agricultural tourism is developed in agricultural spaces, where the people searchs leisure, recreation and rest. The activity has as base a sincronia of nature, human and cultural contact, with benefits for both to the parts; visited visitor and. For Tulik the Agricultural Tourism: … is developed in declining agricultural areas or estagnadas, mainly in that they had been affected by crises economic; it has diffuse implantation, in small scale and occurs in the neighborhoods of emitting centers; it is supported in the agrarian activity; it has contributed to diversify the income of the proprietors and to fix the population to the agricultural way.