Instructions for users, the expected news, features and service experience using the product. Creating a pleasant impression of the product, you hope that these positive emotions and will take your jobs … 35. The uniqueness of your site itself: technology, which it uses new features, bright design. All that may have professionals call the cry, "Wow!" all that will make him tell you about friends (even by e-mail) and call, ideally, "viral marketing" … 36.
The proximity of interests. Show potential top-applicant, that the people who work with you, have similar interests, to do the same thing they do to him as "one blood." It could be a common interest in sports, hobbies, development or just have the same demographic characteristics. By posting such information on their employees, you give visitors to understand that there are waiting for them and like-minded colleagues, not only on paper … 37. Categories such as "FAQ", "Market News" or any other, designed for market professionals. Includes information, tools and links to other sites, all that may help colleagues to do their job better.
If it really will help them to work, then make the pros return to your site again and again. Knowing that your company "in the subject line," we present you an attractive employer, educate them in loyalty and a desire to continue to work for you … 38. Other "gadgets" to encourage visitors to return: some contests, promotions, prizes, regular appearance of interesting and entertaining information about the market in which you work, updating manuals …