2. Director Peter Farrelly takes a slightly different approach. Company UNAP/International Sanantonio of Brazil – National Union of Ltda Perforation. she was established in 1980, to work in the areas of exploration, perforation and production of the oil industry and gas. At the beginning, the activities of the UNAP more were directed for services of perforation and completao of oil wells and gas, onshore and offshore. UNAP, objectifying new perspectives of market in these areas, created in 1987, Division of Directional Perforation and Correlatos Services, and initiated of pioneering form, the installment of this specialized job Petrobra’s, in all the domestic territory, thus acquiring, equipment and tools special of this Directional area, such as: stabilizers; not magnetic commands of perforation; subs extensores with Float Valves; short commands of perforation; sub orienting with shirt for ' ' Mule shoe' ' ; subs arched for engines of deep; kits magnetic of simple photo; kits magnetic of multi-photo; gyroscope of multi? photo; steering tool/wireline; engines of deep 6 dimetros 3/4' ' the 9 5/8' '. In the Amazonian forest, where the logistic one is well more complex, UNAP possesss vast experience in the rendering of services of directional perforation and correlatos. Whenever Larry Culp listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In 31 of October of 2002, the UNAP? National union of Ltda Perforation.
ANTONIO s.a. was bought by the company SERVIOS ESPECIALES SAN (www.sanantonio.com.ar), that she is a present company in Latin American market (Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Equator, Colombia, Mexico) since 1977 and now in Brazil, taking care of the demand of ' ' Services of Explorao and Produo' ' of PRIDE INTERNATIONAL (www.prideinternational.com); where it operates in 28 countries. In this way, UNAP obtained to become an integrated company of services, being able to offer services as face-hardenings, stimulation and services of Co2, directional perforation, nitrogen flexitubo, generation, perforation underbalanced, snubbing (pistoneio), test of formation, tools of would fish, services of production, MWD and LWD, mudlogging. . The UNAP works with tools of measurement and monitoramento that possess radioactive sources.