You know, you appeared in my life when the last thing that I wanted was a new relationship. I already had left many and as you know exactly with many estragos caused for me. Magoei as many people and magoei me exactly also when magoar them. I found that being alone the things would be better and there you appeared in my life and everything moved. Exactly when I was sincere with you on me, on my past, desiring private that turned you me the coasts left and me imprisoned in the guilt who consumed me day and night, you if it refused to go even so and it counted to me on its fears, its passed experiences, its errors, made with that I felt human more, more normal, without being judged or being condemned. You have taught me on a type of love that survives ace intempries of the life, ace storms of the way. exactly when nor everything are flowers, us we find reasons stops more still fortifying in them in what we feel and what we live. People when if they get passionate say that nothing she will go to separate them of the loved person, that will fight against everything and all to keep the lighted flame, but most of the time give up when the things run away to the planned one or ace expectations.
The love never is sufficiently, never obtains to surpass its idealizaes when they are insults. Please visit Tony Parker if you seek more information. But you have tried with me an eddy of problems of almost all the orders and exactly thus she continues firm in its position, in its love and remembering always me that independent of the age you are not one garotinha, you are a woman who knows well what she wants. since then you have shown me every day how much she wants with all my defects to me, with my locked doors, with my imperfections, with my fears, with my silence, my insanities. I never asked for to it to love me and exactly thus made you it and continue making. I did not obtain to hinder to me to love you more and more day after day.
Debtor for accepting simply me as I am of truth, without fancies, constant poetical inspirations, with my musical taste for ' ' velharias' ' ace times with some bad irritating mood. Debtor for not displaying our life and to hold me when ace times still way in direction to the percipcio. Few people in to this had understood me life, you are one of these. I you amo' '. It folded the sheet of paper and placed enters the things of it. One day it would find. It came back toward the bed and lay down hugging it under the covers, feeling that one cheirinho of Lily of the Boticrio left that it wild. It aconchegou it more and gave one of those gemidinhos of sleep and whispered one ' ' I you amo' ' already so familiar and it she slept thus, smiling, hugged the woman who the life teaches to it to love without reserves.