
It stopped in the rank to supply, and to verify the eye, the tires and the things of routine. While the staff of the rank gave one generality in its truco, it he was until the restaurant pra to eat some thing, while he rested to continue the trip. Source: movie actress. It opened the door entered, there inside, already it had other truck drivers some known. It directed itself for one sings of the restaurant with little people sat down it table that was empty, and was waiting the waiter, to the side of its table had four men talking in return of a table, also waiting to be taken care of as well as it. Without hesitation Tony Parker explained all about the problem. They looked at for Julio and came back to talk baixinho, exactly thus, Julio heard very well when one of them said: – I am certain I am he himself, I saw people, this face was died does not make two hours that I was I descend the mountain range when it went well to my front, I saw when it lost the control of the truck and fell down disastrously from a high place in the abyss of the blond one. Julio> By chance vocs is saying of me? Positive, answered one of them, is that this our friend said here that you saw dead you have two hours, Julio gave a laugh and said, this is good, the friend here must this crazy one or must have seen a ghost, more as does not exist ghost nor spirit, finds that the friend this needing eyeglasses. He was you yourselves that I saw deceased, confirmed the man; – its truck tumbled and went down rolling the abyss of the blond one.