At least three years – so much to serve its owner pair of shoes, but for some reason not everyone can boast that wears shoes, boots or shoes is the amount of time. This stems from the mud, rain, mud, chemicals and transport. If the salvation of such aggression? According to the culture of wearing shoes, each person should have 2 to 4 pairs of shoes vacation, which should be changed at least twice a day. In our stick to the difficult days of culture can not each person. But experience is not necessary to prolong life and can only favorite pair of boots. Get into the habit, regularly look for products that cherish your feet from the cold, aggressive media and hot stones. Let's analyze what you do when you come home? Undressed, washed their hands, and of course forget about shoes. Should not do it, here's the first rule – every day, clean shoes.
Products that are made of lacquered or smooth skin should be cleaned with a moist cloth or wash with water. If the shoe is made of nubuck or suede, it's worth to buy a special brush made of rubber. Too much pollution, remove with a damp cloth or rag. In no case do not wash suede, the water becomes less elastic and coarsens. Get the best effect possible with the help of steam, just soak them over their footwear, ideally suited for cleaning suede special foam, which is designed for this skin type.