How To Buy First Electric

Electric is currently a very popular musical instrument. Someone previously played on acoustic guitar, someone decided to just learn to play electric guitar. The way to acquire tools for all its, so to speak. But, nevertheless, the problem of choosing his first electric guitar is not a solution. One can always see an overview of models of electric guitars, but this opinion is subjective.

So how to choose your first instrument? Of course, if you choose it all depends on your budget. However, even at a low price range of models is enormous. In general, the optimal price range for a first guitar for about 10-30tr. Often you can hear that on an expensive instrument is easier to learn to play. The assertion is questionable. At the moment, even at the cost of cheap tools in the 7-12tr in no way inferior to the performance of instruments priced at 30tr, another thing is the sound. But … many novice guitar players are not able to adequately assess its quality.

Yes and it should be noted that sometimes later, this ability appears … Therefore I propose to consider carefully the factors that will be decisive. Attaching the neck. It can be bolchenym, when normally neck is attached by 4-5 screws, glued, when the bar as if glued to the housing, and penetrating – the most difficult to execute, and the price expensive, in these guitars is the neck and the central part of the guitar. For the first tool is opt for bolchenom or pasted version.