Stuttgart Video

The Macromedia Academy offers from July 1 a seminar on the digital coverage in the working world of large television stations there are cameramen, image – and sound engineer, production manager and directors, each with their Wizard. Then take cutter, which cut the recorded material, music and add effects. However, alternatively known as video journalists be used already since the 1990s. The video journalist assumes the tasks of a reporter, sound technician and cameraman in a person during the recording. He he knows but also with the professional post processing and provides the finished product to the TV station. “His advantage: he is more flexible and less conspicuous than a great shooting team, and often faster and more authentic video images can provide especially in reports, documentaries and daily news articles that closer to the people” are.

This video journalists work in most cases even cheaper than a comprehensive team. Just in the course of digitalisation of media and the sharp rise Use of footage video journalists have a growing field of activity. Besides the classical reporting, also on the website of print media, video is used increasingly for corporate communications, advertising, entertainment, promotion, training, and sales. What easy reads, is a major challenge in practice. A systematic and competent operation, which allows him an effective and design-conscious production is essential for the video journalists. “The required specialist knowledge to convey is the goal of the week-long course of video journalism”, which on July 1-5 to the Macromedia Academy “is offered in Munich. “The course participants”, as the Organizer, dominate at the end.

film dramaturgical principles as well as the effective handling of camera and editing, as well as the texts to the image” The seminar is aimed at journalists, webmasters, Web designers and other interested people who want to create video posts to the professional level. For further information to the Profession: for further information about the courses: training/seminare/training-video-redaktionen-journalisten.html contact: Macromedia Academy Michael Schmidt-Ott, press office Gollierstrasse 4 80339 Munich phone 089.961 60 80-44 presse.html that Macromedia Academy was founded in 1993 to provide expertise in the field of computer practical professionals. Today, the Macromedia Academy with offices in Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne, Osnabruck and Hamburg among the greats of German educational landscape. It focuses on the education and training of professionals for the media, marketing -, TV -, event -, and industry and thus clearly differentiates itself from the MHMK, which trains executives young for the German and international media market. Over 100 permanent staff and many free lecturers committed, to provide expertise on a high quality level the trainees and students.