Masonobu Fukuoka

Another great misunderstanding is thinking that the products have been obtained naturally be much more expensive than the products obtained by modern agriculture based on chemicals, heavy machinery and many hours of plowing, but contrary to what people think and assume, with this new method can even charge less for the products because it requires less effort and less investment to reap. What benefits do you get the doctor Fukuoka with its natural method of cultivation Dr. Masonobu Fukuoka has even found clever ways to get rid of the herons that eat their seeds and even the scarecrows to be used by repelling them. The doctor no longer des Fukuoka boil, the learned how to live intelligently with the bad herbs, the doctor no longer inundated Fukuoka their land for rice cultivation because their methods, this waste water is no longer necessary. Dr. Fukuoka land are becoming more productive because all organic matter returned to their fields and rejuvenate this year. What is the method of Dr. Fukuoka His method is simple, like one of those styles of oriental combat where the fighter simply uses the power of the enemy for their own benefit.

Dr. Fukuoka just know that plant, at what time and what to plant. As Dr.Fukuoka is bad herbs in rice cultivation? Ironic as this may sound, Dr. Fukuoka found that eliminating tillage many bad herbs cease to exist, the fact plow and plow the land puts the ecosystem in an uncontrolled situation conducive to the proliferation of bad herbs, instead of plowing land and sail Dr. Fukuoka planting or seeding of clover and other herbs that can be controlled in the fields, thus creating a natural mat on the floor which also serves to maintain suitable temperatures in the soil and saves having that in flooded fields for rice planting.

Dr. Fukuoka spreads the seeds of the next crop when the preceding crop is still maturing and when mature crop rice straw is spread on the ground with seeds germinating and thus controlled the bad herbs and protecting the rice crop. The green revolution brainwashed us since the start the green revolution to the country people took it into his head that is only possible to obtain returns with the help of chemicals and it’s hard to remove them from the paradigm in which they are cornered, He has a point, of course, by suppressing the use of machinery and chemical inputs and work with the same seeds that germinate with weak roots in flooded areas, there will be no change in the methods used. To exit this spiral end where we need to dupe a change of consciousness from the consumer to the producer because it must break with the idea that only what is good and expensive natural farming by definition has to be expensive. Humanity has reached a limit in what was once a solution as the technological development of agriculture and proprietary software now becomes a problem for which we have a fully viable solution within the reach of all but requires revolutionary and visionary minds to put into practice the new techniques that would revolutionize the world and will take the balance.