Month: February 2015


From yesterday day 19 and until 30 may, the Portuguese writer Jose Saramago is taking place in Seville of the book fair, devoted in this edition.The book fair of Seville, until May 30 programming of this edition is developed under the motto on the blindness and lucidity. This cultural sample comes from years ago being organized by the Association the book fair of Seville the fair of the book of Seville is located in the Plaza Nueva, opposite the Town Hall, in the heart of the city. Access from our hotels in Seville is easy, either by public transport or from a pleasant walk. The main objective that its organizers are marked is the encounter between readers and writers. For this purpose have scheduled a series of activities and firms aimed at all types of public, allowing these synergies. Have already confirmed their attendance names such as Maria Duenas, Maruja Torres, Luis Garcia Montero, Salvador Compan, Fernando Iwasaki, Eva Diaz Perez, Antonio Rodriguez Almodovar or Juan Jose Tellez.

Jose Saramago, Nobel Laureate and favorite son of Andalusia since 2007 has always been closely related to this fair. It was commissioned to inaugurate the event in 2006 and returned to star in one of the most watched events last year, the presentation of the book Jose Saramago. The consistency of dreams (chronological biography), by Fernando Gomez Aguilera. Waiter at fair offers work emeequis called Jose Narro to defend the autonomy of the electronic book of the 19th century Guardian Blog the Museum of fine arts offers a stroll through the myth and reality the Museum of fine arts offers a stroll through the myth and reality the Museum of fine arts offers a stroll through the myth and reality the Museum of fine arts offers a stroll through the myth and reality to Hotel Monte Triana review


– Its name combines with you, simple, delicate and very feminine. Nightmare never imagined things nor in its worse, that would enxergaria it, if was as the other women, if it left to involve for its armor of being able would be feeling the proper Cinderela, but not. Its exaggerated attentions, to its annoyed it compliments. Its hair as the theater curtain went down on the delicate face. The delicate face if covered, took off the hair of the face. The car if parked.

It was very dangerous. This hitchhiking, was walking for something – It does not go to offer a drink to me? It did not remain doubts has left place that wanted to arrive, one mulherengo. – One thinks that because of helped having me, later danced with me and taken me until the Hotel it of the right o of for the bed with me this deceived. Alexander suspirou, already it found the conquest earns, had folloied until the door of its room. It invited when it and it was repudiated.

Alex was not to accept a refusal, was not part of its dictionary. As a mimado boy wanted all toys that it desired. Lais penetrated for the door of the room it closed and it when it put the foot in the door. – In the defensive woman Always made a soft caress in its Omo face if it wanted to go deep, then it left the hand to fall, gave to one risadinha Lais will be thus with all the men or will be only with me? – Its It cut it immediately: – Good night, beloved, use to advantage the time of today, therefore she will be mine, its voice sounded as a noisy bell a threat while it turned the coasts and it went even so. That dog, that cafajeste wanted to surrar its desires as a marionette.

Bavarian Forest

Pichelsteiner Festival – one of the oldest folk festivals lower Bavaria rain (tvo). Pichelsteiner is a stew of various meats and vegetables. The popular and quickly prepared dish is in the Bavarian Forest, close to the city rain was invented. It has been proved, that the Grattersdorfer hostess Auguste Winkler served the stew for the first time. Probably the stew was named after the nearby Buchel stone, where the Buchel Steiner Festival was celebrated in 1839 in a meadow.

So the Pichelsteiner was fixed from the Buchel Steiner. Since 1874 until today, the citizens of the city rain meet traditionally dedication Monday to the Pichelsteiner-eating. In an hour, often up to 3,000 portions have been issued. The hot stew stops proudly in honor and heard the pretzels to the Festival as elsewhere. Also to the this year’s Pichlsteinerfest from July 30 to August 4, the city rain expected many thousands of visitors. What attracts them to the two major festival venues, is not only the delicious stew. Rides and stalls, live music and an attractive social programme with pageant, Fireworks and cook parade, as well as furious waterworks on the river of rain make the Festival a highlight in the calendar of events in the region. The gondola on the river is also unique. Many boats are designed in meticulous hand work according to an annually changing theme. Information: Tourist information rain Schulgasse 2 94209 rain, Tel. 09921/604-26, fax 09921/604-33,,.