Month: September 2013

Holiday Fashion

When we hear or say holiday immediately transported us mentally to a placid place, where everything is perfect, there’s no rush, you eat when you want, there are Beach, pool or mountains, resting several times a day and dress well comfortable. And this you can experience it at any time of the year! To this experience (in a hotel, parador, or House of some friends), when dressing it comes, if we desenfocamos we could complicate life rather than enjoy us throughout the process of preparation. That cherished moment to consider the following: 1. comfort is the key (in clothes, shoes, hair, accessories) 2. He is wearing clothes you can combine each other and pass them in the day to the night 3. Soft fabrics and preferably that don’t require much ironing. It avoids any parts that are battered by the use, it takes clothing that represents your good taste.

4 Prefer light colors (freshness and look better Tan) and combines with bright colors (joy, cheerfulness) 5. Short suits styles to. Empire (short notch under the bust) b. Baby doll c. With skirt line d.

Trapeze (presents the childlike look, hangs from the shoulders and falls into openly on his knees is not recommended for large bust woman) (e). Mini (to mid-thigh) f. Wrap (lightly tied at the waist) g. If you like patterned dresses, choose those that Stylize your silhouette and emphasize properly. 6 Pants for day: shorts or knee / for the night: fisherman style (mid-thigh) or long. 7 Maximizes swimwear (swimsuit): can take it beyond the pool or beach, throughout the day, in combination with a cardigan (up to below the hips or mid-thigh length part), with skirt or pants. 8. If you like include garments, which are minimal: for a trousseau casual daytime selects simple pieces and bright colors, for night takes any piece with a special touch in harmony with what you wear or better still only takes in your dress/blouse a spectacular snap. 9 Feminine detail to consider, when not USAS garments: carries a flower on your head 10. Don’t forget to bring: a. blouses and skirts for multiple combinations b. c. swimsuit sarong portfolio or bulk of d. Beach without heel Sandals e. Hat f. Goggle g. h. sunscreen book or magazine if you can forget the work and the preocupacioneses your time, your space and deserve it. About Brenda Liz Gines Director of world female. mundofemeninopr. com writes articles for the section for Us Latin Gospel Magazine leads the section of beauty female world in radio program at noon with women who are confident with Shirley Lo Presti. Presenter of tv programs on Puerto Rico, including mission provides professional services in public relations, communications and drafting has been: beauty was producer and conductive of the radio program world female more than 13 years of experience as professional model has recorded 15 radio ads and commercial 21 television has done 8 press commercials has participated in 9 television programs1 novel, theatre and 2 movies Blogs related Prisa Adinda Hot Indonesian Guitar Queen Tiara Ayu nomadic magazine circus. New ideas on the Trapeze broken leg brutally Miley Cyrus and Kim Catrall look the same dress at a gala The rules of good dress tasteful world gossip characters in the show look on Pescador carpet Catholic Sensibility Los bugs de Heinz Blog Archive a fly knee in front Crisis? Product, good taste, innovation, professionalism

Earth Celebrations

The festivities around the vine, harvest, harvest began in Mendoza, timidly, during the 1930s. In those moments, was an exclusive party for the workers in the harvest. Today, it is the great feast of the mendocino people, a celebration that attracts tourists from the country and the world and color lasting memories of holidays in Mendoza. The festivities begin in January and end in March and encompass cultural, sporting and religious demonstrations. Summer, time in which collects the fruit of the vine, lends its ideal framework to the celebrations, culminating the first Saturday of the month of March in the capital city, Mendoza, with the traditional and most shocking ever national harvest festival. The popular festival of greater magnitude nationwide was conducted for the first time in 1936, inspired by the simple celebrations of workers of the vine. These, mostly immigrants, had usually thank the Earth and God, with dances and songs, at the end of the work of cocecha of the grapes and the winemaking.

The celebrations They included the choice of the most beautiful girls combine harvesters to Crown it with vine leaves and bunches of grapes. A tradition that is still alive today through the contest that is chosen to the national vintage Queen. Mendoza beauty which is no longer to raise the harvest, but to promote tourism in Mendoza for the country and the world. Frank Romero Day, from the capital city, the central Act of the harvest festival takes place in the amphitheatre and year-on-year gains in technological deployment, creativity and innovation. An average of 30000 spectators colman at each party the great offer of accommodation in Mendoza, in order to enjoy a unique spectacle. The figures don’t lie: more than 800 artists in scene, 600 luminaries and 1 tons of pyrotechnics of height realize the magnitude of the spectacle and the importance that has for the people of the beautiful province of Cuyo. The 2011 edition of the feast of the harvest will not be one more, that will be held no less than shining of the traditional celebrations weddings. And the Mendoza now they work to full so it was an unforgettable occasion.


Here it is important for the child to learn a healthy model of relationship with the environment. Instead of a mother introyectadora (that nurtures strength), it is preferable to provide that range of possibilities (toys, other forms of invitation to the relationship), that allow to maintain the idiosyncrasy of the child to the child. When in parental attitudes (verbal or non-verbal) messages are contained in do not touch, not you chupes, not are you, without discrimination, clipped its power, they inhibit your spontaneity, hindering their interest. Ultimately diminish their innate potentialities. When a child of parents incorporates psychological values; truths about himself, when they ingest and swallow without discrimination, incorporate material not assimilated, Perls (1947) called doencas. If a child incorporates by example the idea of I’m clumsy, adopts their behaviour (non-conscious) this quality as a form of response to the environment. His behavior is limited by the doencas. Have you eaten a material that can not assimilate (by its toxic content) and onwards his energies well to get rid of this material that does not gives it vitality will be implemented, or poisoning in their attempts to digest it: I clumsily behaved in this situation.

The introjection is the family inheritance from the past 5 for Goodman (1951). The situation is similar when it comes to concepts or models of behavior than physical food. Since introject means appropriating something from the environment and when this misappropriation occurs coercively is of a pathological introjection; is of a non-digestible, inasimilable content (doencas), since it impairs your ability to think and act for yourself as you atiborras your personality of atragantados pieces of this and that, you have lost the ability of think and act for yourself, since you act according to what you have said that you are, or do.6 When a child introyecta for example the idea of I’m clumsy, adopts in its not consciously this quality as a form of response to the environment, and henceforth their energies will be implemented to act accordingly with the doencas me clumsily behaved in this situation.