Month: June 2011

Proserpine Friend

…. From the first page looked at me a photo of my friend … Such striking similarity, I have not yet meets with. Could not pay attention to it, if it would be just like people. But the very fact that so many of the same character traits and that my friend himself to me about Nansen and told, and then a physical resemblance. I am convinced that Fridtjof Nansen and my friend – it vploschenie the same soul, and that pulls him in Oslo is not in vain … “I think that readers agree – it is very touching and unusual letter. Rarely becomes a witness to a sincere interest in another person, even if it is different.

This high exalted note – also Nansen, close to him in spirit. I compared the horoscopes Friend and Nansen. It turned out that they are quite dissimilar, so one can hardly speak about direct the transmigration of souls in this case. But at imposing of horoscopes, I found amazing connections that are have closest relatives. Nansen sun is in conjunction with Proserpine Friend.

This is an indication that the Nansen – his ideal role model, whom he perceives as his father, a teacher and spiritual mentor. Planets in their horoscopes are very closely related, have very many positive aspects and a little negative. I would say that it looks like the connection of father and son, elder and younger brother, or some other close relative. It is evident that lifestyle Nansen, his deeds and his outlook had a very strong influence on one another during his previous incarnation. And this influence was so deep that even affected his appearance. After all, as we look, too, is formed by our past savings and the experience that we passed. In a past life friend was a very famous and popular. Profession that comes to mind – is a scientist, but rather than practices, and researcher and first author. He apparently was known for his literary work. And it is possible that he wrote about the Nansen and even a relative of his. A friend and now in this life, certainly kept literary talent, ability to speak beautifully, it is easy to persuade and communicate superbly.

It was his Mercury “led” to each Nansen, providing information about him and formed his views on life. He is a spiritual disciple of Nansen, and found that reflected even in appearance. This ability gives him too, Mercury and the sign of Gemini, which are able to learn and transform. Interestingly, the Nansen was born under the sign of Libra, and another – by the Twins. Both these zodiac signs very close to each other, since both are air signs and are connected to the world of ideas, ideals and thoughts. It may well be that in terms of ideas – in the mental plane – Nancy and friend indeed closely related to past lives, since followed the same path, professed the same ideals. An example of another – one more proof that the idea of Nansen alive and continue to shape our outlook and affect our lives, helping to achieve unimaginable heights and explore uninhabited and cold of space in the literal and figurative sense.

Goodwill Ambassadors

Part One. "The soul has a mysterious tendency to fill in empty spaces, to overcome the dangers and difficulties, to seek the unknown. This desire, making you act – the divine power embedded in the depths of our entity. It was she who drew the first hunters into new areas. This spring our greatest acts of human thought, which spreads its wings and did not recognize the boundaries of their freedom. " Fridtjof Nansen day the city has fallen white blizzard.

She howled and constantly swirled in a mad dance, as if imitating gone mad dervish. Huge handfuls, it threw cold icicles, which together with the snow pick up a breeze. He blew with full force, anywhere throwing powder snow as if it were a brilliant cook, decorate their creation. The blizzard raged all day until she herself has not bothered to howl and spin. Along with her verse and the wind. Uninvited guests left, but left behind poblekivayuschy snow-white needles of ice cover. Everywhere there was snow.

He covered the roofs, houses and trees, drowned all the sounds and movements. There was nothing but snow and white silence that reigned supreme. Colds overtaken I was still before the storm began to rage. And now I'm watching the madness of the winter at a safe distance from the windows of his house, not participating, along with all the spaces in the conquest of cold. Watching from behind this surround the play, I do not let go a hot cup of ginger tea, as if he really could heal me from my fear of the winter.

Animation Design

Each with a childhood friend saying: 'Better to see once than hear a hundred times. " And when we get older, we become convinced of the wisdom and fidelity of this saying. And what would people be engaged in life – is a question of professional activity, artistic creativity or a hobby – everyone wanted to see what interests him, his own eyes. Sometimes it is not difficult. But what if the desired object is hidden, deleted, or in front inside view of the author? Simply put, there is still only in his imagination? Yes, but all secrets can easily become apparent, and fantasies in order and needed to make them come true! Here we proceed directly to the case.

We live in the 21st century, and current features of the professional art supply and computer equipment should directly meet the challenges of time. What offers RenderArt – a 3D modeling, 3D visualization and 3D animation, ie, Computer 3D schedule. 3D visualization – is creation of three-dimensional spaces of any complexity and specificity, with it as actually existing, or created in the mind of the author. Computer simulation of three-dimensional objects: exteriors and interiors of buildings, furniture, people, animals, vehicles, characters, games, all the goods – that is, execution by the computer graphics of all possible objects. Soon we will also offer design services printing.

This is what our company is engaged. Features lighting, landscape, the optimal distance and angle – it will all be taken into account when creating the optimal model specialists RenderArt. Design project, executed in sketches, drawings and pictures can not compete with photo-realistic rendering, created with 3D modeling. It is difficult to imagine how will look your future home, the interior of a beauty salon or a coffee table, looking at drawings and diagrams. It's quite another thing – to see the final version. Country House, inscribed in a real landscape or a coffee table, made exactly as you imagine it and at the same location in the interior of your room – all this is reality. And it is – our job. Three-dimensional image, created by experts RenderArt, fully reflects the characteristics of the object. Presentations, exhibitions, competitions, computer games – these are just top of the list, where you can not do without a three-dimensional modeling and visualization.

Color In Art Photography

Greater meaning, emotional and aesthetic load photos is color. The color palette of contemporary photography is wide. Nevertheless, the photographer is facing a more technically complicated task, rather than a painter, as photographic materials is not as perfect as the eye of the artist. Therefore, when filming must take into account a feature color photos as color distortion. But even with perfect possession of a photographic technique is' mandatory aesthetic comprehension of the proposed image, ie, the correct placement of color accents, tastefully chosen a combination thereof, should be taken into note that colors interact, complement, reinforce each other. But we must not forget that the color, being in a harmonious unity with each other, must be coordinated with other components of the composition: the light movement, space and color composition, etc.

can be built on contrasts or solved in one key, can be isolated or distorted one of the colors, if required by the idea of the photograph. Color in the pictures are always create a mood that is also connected with the physiological perception of various colors. For example, red makes a person a feeling of anxiety, excites him, black is associated with grief, causing fear, gives a sense of mystery, green – a calming effect, etc. In this case, physiological sensations are in a difficult synthesis with historical notions about color. Red color – this color revolution symbol of victory. Black in the modern era – the color of mourning, etc.

Mom Games

The most important activity for every man, whose age not more than 4.3 years – it's the game. That game activity for any child – it is the most significant and taken seriously by the activities that will require participation of all without exception forces and capabilities. However, in contrast to adults, play activities for children, in any form required to provoke pleasure. In turn, for parents it is important that the first moments of life, the child has mastered the maximum number of skills that will be needed in his life. How, then, to combine the desire of the child to a game with the desire of parents to the development of his personality? Naturally, on the through the game.

Invented a wide variety of children's games, which allow a small child to develop a considerable number of important skills and that enough of these numerous children's games necessarily require the direct participation of mothers and fathers. This is normal, since all education involves the participation of those who have already learned and someone who has not yet been able to. The best games for the children's festival may be required personnel directly involved, rather than simply finding the next, and parents. Only in this version of the game really captivate a small child to the end and he will be able to use all of their chances and the previously obtained skills. The bulk of games anyway imply the creation of some wonderful imaginary world to exist in which the child must master certain to start small, the stock of skills. To draw a circle, you need to learn how to properly hold the felt-tip pen, and in addition to know what it's circle and how it differs from a rectangle or a rhombus. And in order to create crafts out of paper and markers are only needed sheets of paper.

And, of course, basic knowledge such as how to properly wrapped a sheet of paper. While absolutely not necessary to impose three-year child difficult origami – pretty basic craft of sheets of paper. The most important thing is not ready to subject himself, and acquired skills. And, of course, fun. Because then those created by their efforts, toys, a small child can play other fun games. For example, tell Mom and Dad story. In addition, when a child can do if only the simplest of crafts, he will make a gift to his mother with his hands. And even if from a position of aesthetic value of a souvenir will be not very valuable, it becomes roads at least for the reason that is made specifically for home moms. And it is necessary to clearly show the child that the surprise created by his own hands the baby to the mother has a huge significance. This activates the subsequent desire to create, create it more meaningful for the child. Has a meaning and a different aspect. When moms and dads play with their own kids, a positive from this can not only get the children. This is moms and dads do really happy. Just try – and you'll see it!

Learn Language

When a person decides to learn a foreign language and are already beginning to dream about the plans, which would result from implementation of the plan to study a foreign language, suddenly discover that he can not learn English or any other foreign language! What is it? Why? The most common and easiest answer to this question: "do not have the capacity for this particular language or at all – 'no inclinations to learn a foreign language." However, it is not always the case. Often This fault is not correctly chosen method, or let us say, the psychological incompatibility with the teacher. Or maybe not chosen entirely successful schedule, and is such that a person is something abhorrent to study this language, but can he already knows several languages and are simply not psychologically prepared to accept and learn another foreign language. The reasons may be different, but they can be easy to deal with this very important to identify the cause and keys to combat these "illnesses" can always pick up. Actually about that we now talk, interesting way of solving all created problems that impede learning foreign languages. Actually one of the most acute problems is the problem that is still the method of teaching a foreign language in schools, institutes, and among repeaters – a traditional education students as philologists, namely, the huge details of which are completely useless to ordinary native speaker. In most cases, willing to learn a foreign language, it is necessary only for communication, and all those boring grammar rules and by and large they absolutely not necessary! That is the most important task in this case to divide users and linguists, that is, who needs a foreign language just to communicate, and linguists with all the details.


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