Tag: sports

Golf Course Days In The Green – Individual Passion Challenge

Hans-Jorg SilkWorm, golf course builders from Stuttgart, sees a major feature for the sporty appeal in the degree of difficulty of a golf course. You can enjoy it when the time is and is pleased to pay tribute to the Green over the next few hours alone or with like-minded people. And so they say a golf would be strolling the others could quite say: Yes, but with quick step, high concentration on the own setting and the perfect swing a little ball in four to five hours, usually about eight kilometres of length in 18 holes to accommodate. And so it really is not a walk, there are people such as Hans-Jorg SilkWorm, golf course builders and Gala Bauer from Stuttgart, who is concerned not only about the perfect center maintenance. It’s about the challenge. Degree of difficulty. The optimal utilization of the present topography.

Because the golfer is an athlete. And he loves the golf course can confirm exactly this passion. Hans-Jorg silkworm to: I love to read, and not just in the distance of a discount it landscapes. A first-class golf course is an intelligent design when it comes to each of 18 holes so to apply, that the highest challenge and naturalness in the line are. “Salik also noted that golf course construction has to do also with marketing and profitability. Attractiveness and all setting are important factors. They are made often depending on the difficulty. The higher the requirement more interesting is a multi-use stadium for sponsors and organizers who give a striking image of the operator.

A plus, that is appreciated in particular by the members and favors higher green fees and contributions to the willingness to pay. This preference is a perspective not only for new golf courses. Existing systems can work according to the silkworm on their attractiveness: we are often approached on subsequent plans and adaptations, i.e. existing places here and there on new challenges rethink, because operators in this way about their locality to be also desirable.” At the same time refers silkworm but also ensure that a corresponding implementation is a matter of professional planning, equipment and expertise. With views on the operation of the game is to bring profitability with seasonal plant growth under a hat. Cross golfing on construction sites”so it belongs less to our core competencies” silkworm with a wink.

Cooler Running Trend In The Summer

Sightjogging through the urban jungle experience who combine the pleasant with the useful or a sightseeing tour of the sporting kind, should join a Sightjogging tour. This running trend is enjoying increasing popularity and offers ambitious athletes something cultural to make their training session. Big cities like Berlin, Munich and Barcelona offer Sightjogging under the guidance of a professional trainer. Along the banks of the river Spree and at the Brandenburg Gate past through the old town of Barcelona, in the shadow of the skyline of Frankfurt Sightjogging is anything but boring. Under professional supervision and in a group of the city can be visited at a run.

Rather than chugging a bus through the city or to sail, the ship along the shore quite sporty explore the city on your own two feet. Sightjogging is offered in Germany and in major cities around the world. Ambitious athletes can connect to their training useful with culture and education. Whether on a Conference weekend, suitable Sightjogging with the whole class, as holiday program or in the hometown in the summer, wonderfully, to fill a daily athletically and culturally. Often, the organizers offered the sightseeing tours for walkers, Nordic walkers or cyclists.

There are a lot of alternatives and for every need the right. Here is the city guide to the fitness coach and the tourists can speed up their leisure time something. The blog my JogStyle also recommends the JogStyle Omron as training aid in the Sightjogging. Reliable, the handy tool measures the distance traveled, speed, energy consumption and the number of steps. So, you informed not only about the cultural highlights of the city, but is also the most important values of the training unit at a glance. Hold your body up to speed, promote health and has the most beautiful sides of the city explore Sightjogging is the summer trend for well-rested. Many more running tips, information about health and Nutrition, as well as a current course calendar is there on. (Picture: Kzenon – Fotolia.com) Company profile: OMRON healthcare was founded in Kyoto in 1933 and is now a leading manufacturer of sensory systems and technologies in the health care market. The German subsidiary OMRON Medizintechnik with continuous innovations has successfully established itself for 35 years. Cutting-edge technologies, interpreted for accurate measuring technology for easy, intuitive operation, expose the Omron products not only for professionals but also for general use. In 2009, the company generated a turnover of 570 billion euro with approximately 4,000 employees worldwide. Press service team promotional label Roermonder Strasse 279 41068 Monchengladbach Tel: 02161 / 304-1183 fax: 02161 / 304-1540 email: URL:

Charitypartner RTL

“B2RUN Munich: the running spectacle celebrates tenth anniversary of Munich, 12.07.2013: this is the best thing that could happen to the sport of running,” once expressed endurance Joey Kelly to the B2RUN and is in the ten-year anniversary on July 18 just like Henry Maske at the start. “With them also Wolfram M. Kons is the B2RUN Charitypartner RTL, we help children” celebrated the anniversary with a large fireworks display in the Olympic Park and followed by a party at the tradition Club P1 at the previous press conference here and after the joint welding. 2004: Horst Kohler takes office as President of the Confederation, the word of the year is Hartz IV, Facebook is founded and the first company run Munich celebrates his debut: on the 29.07.2004 was first launched of the B2RUN history in Munich. Well 2,500 runners from about 80 companies gathered at the Olympic site and did not know at that time what they thus set in motion.

Because a relatively small companies run in Munich she was within a decade moving companies run series B2RUN with ten locations, and in sum of 100,000 expected participants. “Together the companies runners in Munich have ran the run impressive numbers since: nearly 1.5 million kilometres were travelled, approximately 37 times the Earth was orbiting thus and calories from 250,000 big Macs have completed it”. Since 2008 is that some companies sold out B2RUN with 30,000 people in Munich every year since the beginning of this and you have your subscriber numbers can increase continuously. In this year alone, with 1,400, 1,100 BMW Siemens AG and Allianz AG go with 830 employees at the start SB1. “Teams like the Deutsche Bahn always go with much creativity in the race each year is in the train costume for the title of best original team” fought. If the anniversary is celebrated on 18 July 2013, the organizers with prominent support can await you.

Running With Hay Fever

My JogStyle gives tips for running again fly the pollen with hay fever. If itching eyes, nose running and breathing difficult, the worst season has started for allergy sufferers. And who normally completed his jogging in the fresh air as an endurance athlete, quickly loses the fun in sports. My JogStyle are a few helpful tips on how you can jog despite hay fever in the open air. Basically, hot, dry or windy weather for allergy sufferers is the worst conditions for a pleasant run unit without the typical symptoms of hay fever. Jog shortly after rain, or even while the air is cleaned by the humidity is much better, because.

Here it should be noted however that you wear the right running clothes, because there is a danger, to catch a cold. As possible exposed to be so little pollen flight, a run in the coniferous forest is preferable to the field or meadow way. Who is suffering from particularly itchy or red eyes, should wear sports glasses with side shields. Allergy-free must become also longer warm or slower start in the training because the body longer needs something to set the effort. Shortness of breath or cardiovascular problems, the training must be stopped immediately. Who has problems with the jogging outdoors despite medical treatment and care, should consult a doctor or consult at the pharmacy. Even after the training a lot must be observed: running in the best case remove clothing immediately, to prevent spreading the pollen not in the apartment.

A shower immediately after the workout is important, ideally also a nasal douche make. There are resources in the pharmacy. The running clothes should be (the best of a not hypo-allergenic) shaken out or washed. Who has no chance, despite these measures, to indulge his hobby, in the fresh air has to Dodge still possible on a Fitness Studio. That is of course no comparison to exercise in the open air, but at least offers a comparable alternative. (Picture: picture-factory – Fotolia.com) Company profile: OMRON healthcare was founded in Kyoto in 1933 and is now a leading manufacturer of sensory systems and technologies in the health care market. The German subsidiary OMRON Medizintechnik with continuous innovations has successfully established itself for 35 years. Cutting-edge technologies, interpreted for accurate measuring technology for easy, intuitive operation, expose the Omron products not only for professionals but also for general use. In 2009, the company had a turnover of 570 billion euro with approximately 4,000 employees worldwide. Press service team promotional label Roermonder Strasse 279 41068 Monchengladbach Tel: 02161 / 304-1183 fax: 02161 / 304-1540 email: URL:

Sellaronda Trail Running

A spectacular and unique race of its kind along forest roads and trails around the Sella Group. The competition, as the name already expresses, held group around the Sella; forest roads and trails, always with the intention of as little as possible, to drive on the paved roads and rendering rhinestones above cross points. The route is approximately 51 km long with a height difference in the rise of 3,460 m. You will pass the villages Canazei, Selva, CORVARA and Arabba, Sella and Pordoi passes are tackled, navigated the Bec de Roces”in the vicinity of the Campolongo pass and the Dantercepies nearby the Passo Gardena. The start will be the chief towns”of the four Ladin valleys (Canazei, Selva, CORVARA and Arabba) in the year allocated, as it already legendary Sellaronda Ski Marathon is handled at the. The launch of the first edition of the Sellaronda trail running is in the Val di Fassa guest, the athletes start in Canazei and come back here, to the target back to succumb. The start takes place in P.zza Marconi at 7:00, on Saturday, the 10th of September 2011; the arrival of the first competitor is intended for approximately 5 hours.

The maximum driving time is set to 10 hours; along the slope still more time checkpoints exist, after which you can continue at a fixed time no longer. In addition to the singles, also a contest for couples is organized, where two athletes cross two passes; the change regarding this first edition is in CORVARA. The transfer for the participants is carried out by the Organizing Committee. Thanks to the precious collaboration of the tourist associations of the four Ladin valleys, and thanks to the many sponsors and volunteers who work with the Organizing Committee, a great competition, can the participants provided a terrific day of the sport of hiking trails in the midst of our beautiful mountains. Info on:

Sports Equipment

In our time, striving to live a healthy lifestyle has become very topical. This lifestyle means active rest, proper nutrition and regular physical exercise. The first step for him is just a sport physical training. sports bars – something that will help everyone to take this step to success. A huge number of people love to visit gyms, aerobics. This, of course, motivated by a desire to feel strong and stay in perfect shape. However, not everyone has enough time to visit gyms. In this case, a good solution would be to buy sports equipment. One of the most popular shells is the rod. The main types of sport, where applicable rod are bodybuilding and powerlifting force. Bar allows you to perform a huge number of exercises for increasing muscle mass, and for maintain physical fitness. In addition, the exercises with a bar – a great tool to achieve a good level of metabolism, development, stamina, speed, muscle strength. Collapsible Rod has such a structure: it has a neck at the ends of sleeve for securing the load, which includes drives of different masses and castles. Any person has the opportunity to pick up the load, what he needs. All models are made from high-end steel. In today's world there is a wealth of choice, that any buyer would be able to choose the bar which is right for him. Each of us wants to be in perfect physical shape. Some dream podnabrat muscle others – to get rid of excess weight.