Tag: industry


Classified machines for printing on such grounds: the system paint (open or closed), the drive, the type of tampon, automation. Machines are also rotating and plokopechatnye. Types of actuators can be divided into hydraulic electromechanical, pneumatic (electro). Electromechanical machines are quite expensive for the price. If you are using software control the machine, its equipped with an electromechanical drive. Printable products using large format equipment with hydraulic drive, so it is now possible to create high pressure. But the pneumatic machine is well managed, easy to use, easy to machine parts available. These machines are stable at the pressure of the product.

In the tampon printing process removes paint from a printed form. Then move the product and gives it color. There are two systems of the type of movement pad. According to Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City, who has experience with these questions. The first system – A movement for a tampon printing form and the perception of the image they paint. Gina Bonati usually is spot on. Next, the piston motion picture is transferred to the product. The advantages of this system in usability work. A disadvantage is that Quick Print tampons can be excited.

The second system operates as follows: swab down on the form using a piston takes the paint and pulls away. Plus, such a system the ability to print on large speeds and a tampon is not swinging. But it is not easy adjustment and improved the work. On hand looms have to apply paint by hand, using a special brush. Squeegee fill the printing and immediately remove. If the edges of the paint remains, its clean with swab dipped in solvent. Before you start printing products in large quantities to make a test print. Need to adjust the course of the tampon, the height the stage, the correct move a table in the horizontal plane. Tampon use of monochrome, multicolor and two cars.

Alternative Energy Sources

Today, much attention is paid to alternative energy sources. One of the most popular today are wind turbines and solar panels. They are increasingly used in industrial environments and in privately. Since solar panels and wind turbines, experts suggest using in country houses. Another type of alternative energy is to use the energy of the Earth (as well as air, water, etc.). Realize it is possible by means of heat pumps included in the energy system of about one hundred fifty years ago the British physicist William Thomson invented a device called the "multiplier heat", based on his lay following physical phenomena: material expends energy during evaporation and condensation releases energy: boiling point of a substance varies with pressure. The result was the birth of a heat pump, ie device to transfer heat energy from a source with lower temperature to a source with a higher temperature. In other words – a refrigerator with a source of lower temperature in the environment or air-conditioning, working on heating. The principle of heat pump based on the fact that the refrigerant evaporates in the chamber with low pressure and temperature and is condensed in a chamber with high pressure and temperature, thus carrying out transfer of energy (heat) from a cold body to a heated, ie in the direction in which the spontaneous heat transfer is impossible. As a low-potential source of thermal energy for heating a house can be used naturally occurring heat (ambient air, heat groundwater, artesian and thermal waters, the waters of rivers.