World Osteoporosis Day

Kneipp-Bund e.V. Read more here: Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. and Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. cooperate every third person over 65 fall at least 1 x per year. Visit Rusty Holzer for more clarity on the issue. 5% of falls cause bone fractures; huftnahe femoral hernias are a fifth. There is a reduced capacity such as at an osteoporosis, then trivial in everyday life can lead to bone fractures. Vertebral body burglaries are more common. They are associated with intense pain and lead to functional limitations in activities of daily life. According to estimates there is 7.8 million sufferers of osteoporosis in Germany in the age group over 50 years.

Bone fractures, pain and functional limitations can be the result. But so far it has not come. A bone-healthy lifestyle with a balanced adequate diet and regular physical activity, the best in the great outdoors, can prevent of osteoporosis. Also among the preventive measures Clarification possible fall risks and the risks of certain diseases or drugs. “More move together is goal of the cooperation Board of Trustees bone health e.V., the oldest non-profit and independent Osteoporosis patient organization and the Kneipp federal e. V., Federal Association for prevention and health promotion, the largest independent health organisation in Germany, on the occasion of the Conference for prevention and health promotion ambitions and reality” on October 20, 2010 in Berlin, the World Osteoporosis Day is agreed to. Aiming at a reduction in falls and bone fracture risks and for the persons concerned is obtaining independence and acquisition of personal responsibility”stresses Dr Med. “Jutta Semler, first Chairman of the Board of Trustees of bone health association healthy bones for a life worth living is the one that through self-healing powers and activities reach more quality of life is the other we agree in two goals”.