Bipolar Disorder

When we talk about a pedir Ayudaa , not talking about waiting for someone to realize they need help. We talked to utter the phrase: "PLEASE AYDAME. NECESITO TU Ayudaa . This simple phrase can mean the difference between an improvement or a serious episode. Asking for help is not bad, does not have to embarrass and not have to mean that We are helpless. All necesitmaos help sometimes and we must understand that people who love us, they also want to help, like we would help them …

These last two points lead us to what I usually call a "personal contract" of the patient. The victim has to admit he is sick and acordara a with their loved ones how to act in case of a crisis or manic depressive. It also has to engage honestly with yourself and with others to achieve objectives and progress in your state (do not let the medication, follow a daily routine of rest, etc). These smaller goals will be monitored by people firmena or acuerdena the personal contract with the patient. Simply consider this "contract" means a base and a start toward recovery, it means the commitment and active real hope to improve, harlo itself and the people he loves. Finally, the patient and those living with him must be thoroughly familiar with the disease.

The partner of a bipolar, for example, has to know what to do when a crisis occurs, how to identify it, how to react and when to take action. Likewise, the bipolar patient must understand the mechanisms of the disease, their physical foundations, psychological and social implications. The patient must educarsea a himself in order to understand what is happening and realize that what you feel or what you want to do sometimes may actually be a symptom of the disorder, to be passed, which can be overcome and that with the support, faith and the discipline can be avoided in the future. I hope that somehow, these reflections can be of help to you or that loved one who suffers the disease. Take today, finally, the reins of your life. Joseph L. Gonzalez "A practical guide to tackle multimedia Bipolar Disorder." .