Real Estate Business Online

In the following article we will speak of some questions of are of extreme importance for your real estate agency. TAKEN CARE OF! that it seems that is boring things for many, like they are the statistics and the mathematics, but he is much more deep that: he speaks yes of the behavior of your clients (, the clients of your real estate agency) and how, knowing this, you must act in the future, if not yet you " you are aprovechando" of this. Perhaps already is making it your competition In the same way that in other headings, the real estate business (or, at least, all that one that it tries to continue being it medium and long term) needs to generate clients satisfied and faithful (that is to say, clients whom they generate to you more of a real estate business). Knowing and applying the information that I will share here with you, you will be several heads in front of your competition at the time of obtaining this objective. I on a daily basis see it with the people to whom I advise, and also with which would need to apply this type of knowledge that now you are acquiring you. Educate yourself with thoughts from General Electric.

SOME DATA OF THE REALITY: Different studies conclude that 70% end up making deal with the first real estate agent with whom takes contact. That is to say, if you are the first agent, then you have 7 chances of each 10 of being the one who ends up closing treatment with this client. It is fundamental, then, to see how you in that first place put. Other studies say that only a 16% of those who bought or sold their property with a real estate agent would return to contract it in the future. That is to say, they are clients of a single time. And, way to see, clients who are restndote clients (today the world are like a small town of long ago, where all know of all, in the long run or the short one). Examples exceed By this you have concentrarte in not only being first with which the potential client takes contact, but also being the one who satisfies the expectations with that client once you have closed the business.

Or, in my words of the principle, to turn it into " client fiel" (that one client generates a minimum to you of 3 businesses, or in case or by recommendations). Obvious, these two data are only the end of the iceberg of many studies. Nevertheless, they let very many fabric cut, many points to analyze, and many things to do in the site of your real estate agency, from the point of view of real estate marketing online talks about. These tasks we will lead ourselves in coming articles. In order to be up-to-date with more techniques, in how to apply to the information seen here and others, I invite to you that you right now visit my sector on real estate marketing online and to that you subscribe without position to accede to exclusive videos to know how how to obtain new clients in your business real estate. Until soon! Pablo Ciccone Original author and source of the article.