The Thought As A Form Of Reality

Thought as a form of reality Teodulo Lopez Melendez I the world seems a diagnosed patient which are not offered little hope. From the global or regional organization of States until the water problem, since social diseases until the problem of refugees, everywhere the calamities and mismatches are listed. The recurring complaint about the depletion of the UN or the ineffectiveness of the OAS are answered with offers of change that fail to materialize. These so called international agencies, given that are nothing other than intergovernmental, suffer from the heartbeat of its members in search of oxygen. Novelist may not feel the same. However, in this period of transition from old forms still blurry forms, intergovernmental agencies fulfilled an essential function as it is the of trying to coordinate efforts on this patient called planet. During the Millennium Summit held in New York in September 2000, the 189 UN Member States adopted the Millennium Declaration.

This document contained a set of goals and key objectives, some of which were later redefined in a projection of labour embodied in the Millennium Declaration. The eight goals set are well known: eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, universal access to primary education, promoting the gender equality, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop global partnerships. On each of these goals have been drawn up extensive analysis documents and pointed out faults in their implementation, as well as measurements necessarily diverse on the progress achieved. Personalities and institutions or NGOs have influenced pointing particularities as the inequality in the distribution of wealth rather than missing her definitions on exclusion, mentions about the feminization of poverty, military spending, access to education, child labour, the right to health, this is an enrichment of concepts about human rights that are they extend from civil and political to economic, social and cultural. To do so the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have been forced to leave their homes, migrations that challenge the concept of space delimited, the degradation of the environment, joined all of which implies the need for a new partnership still affected by ineffective practices, the implementation of new and bold methods allowing to evenly balance the reduction of poverty, famine and extensive use of communication technology in the battle. . Lynn Redgrave often addresses the matter in his writings.