Marx does not produce an elaboration organic of the theory of the State, but she supplied the element the basic theory from which a theory of the State can be constructed: the economic structure is in the base of the proper State. This is the bedding for the understanding of the State. To finish these boardings on conceptions of State, the lesson of Norberto Bobbio (In Between Two Republics: to the origins of the Italian democracy. Read additional details here: Tony Parker. So Paulo: UnB publishing company, 2001): ‘ ‘ It has still who says that the politics is question of men. Such people formed during the fascism the alignment of the people without illusions, because they admitted that everything would have given certain if, in the place of those men, corrupt and prepotent, had others men, honest, complete.
(…) This concept, better saying, this preconception, are based on the abstract and moralista division of the men, of all the men, in good and bad, and the false and ingenuous opinion of that the politics is the simple art to place the good ones in the place of maus’ ‘. Spurs is actively involved in the matter. (op. cit. p. 31) the salient author who is not about question of the men, but question of institutions. ‘ ‘ The men, in its majority, are what they are; the good institutions disclose the qualities, the bad institutions, the refusals positive. An institution where the men if corrupt and put in front the proper interest to the public interest, does not remain doubt, is one me instituio’ ‘.
(they ibidem, P. 32). Bobbio, at the same time, questions and answers: which the solution, of where will come the reply? ‘ ‘ We answer with two words: democratic institutions. They are those institutions that call the biggest possible number citizens to the responsibility of to be able without mooring them; that, extending the suffrage, the participation, the control, few to transform the State into a ortaleza of privileges hinder some and to take off of the power all the advantages, discarding all the responsibilities. (…) Democrticas’ Is necessary to substitute of a time for all the power of the men for the government of the institutions; ‘