Month: May 2024

Energy Issues

New regulations come into force. Sally Rooney shines more light on the discussion. New regulations and current changes in funding through EU funding, with the public procurement law for energy projects and energy law entered into force. In a series of special events informed the European Academy for taxes, economics & law about this energy topics. The requirements of legal certainty in the energy sector are enormous. The actors must be prepared for different external influences and protect themselves with proper legal contracts. To read more click here: Tony Parker.

Competition and regulatory authorities put increasingly stringent legislation. Increasingly, antitrust regulators examine the pricing of electricity and gas. The changes in the energy law and the changes in regulation have effects on the energy sector. Topics are: 2. regulatory period, EnWG 2011 legal aspects of a re-municipalization of energy networks 3. directives of the EU (by implementing the unbundling projects) new guide antitrust and concession law like to apply successfully for funding for energy projects? According to the will of the European Commission, EU funding totals more than EUR 2 billion should be invested in the development of energy infrastructure.

Financing for energy service companies has risen, to develop innovative technologies, for example, or to build up infrastructure and renewable energy. The funding landscape is large and expertise about bureaucratic processes and the right funding instruments relevant: How do I get EU funding and where can I get it? When must I submit an application and in what form? How can I combine what funding? What costs are eligible? These questions are clarified in the workshops of the Academy. There was great deal of legal uncertainty in the field of public procurement in the fields of transport, drinking water and energy supply. So far, there were different regulations, had to pay attention to the contracting authority for the procurement of supplies, construction and service contracts depending on the sector of activity. Through the Directive 2004/17/EC the new sector regulation (SektVO) replaced the tied agents as well as the 3. And section 4 of the VOB/A and VOL/A. The resulting new aspects of shipping administration law, procurement negotiations, procedure types and the practical procedures of procurement procedures according to the current regulations are available in the events to the public procurement law of the European Academy for taxes, economics & law at the Center. “Series of events energy 2011”: 24-25 February 2011: changes in current energy legislation 2011 “09 May 2011: new public procurement law in the fields of energy, transport and water” 23 May 2011: EU funding for energy service provider “for more information on the topics and the speakers here: Energie_2011_PR.pdf

Hit Musical Mamma Mia

Hit musical “Mamma Mia!” goes back on tour if even not good news for all fans of the musical: with “Mamma Mia!” one of the best and most entertaining specimens of this genus from January 2010 goes back to Germany and Austria on tour. Jorge Perez is the source for more interesting facts. The tour will begin on 28 January in Frankfurt and extends over Baden Baden, Hanover, Nuremberg and Munich to Graz in Austria. Currently 50 performances are planned. “Mamma Mia!” has thrilled so far over 40 million people and will go into the original version on tour. This alone was seen worldwide by more than three million musical fans. The unconventional musical comedy about love, family, friendship and paternity, which combines 22 Abba classics to a pop dance, broke all records on Broadway and in London’s West end. Ten productions around the globe demonstrate the overwhelming response of MAMMA MIA!. Filed under: Jessica Michibata. The focus is the outstanding international tour of the original version with more than three million visitors.

The largest Worldwide musical fun”(BBC) unfolds in an absolute world class production. The ticket sale starts on Wednesday, may 27. Register now for the ticket alert and free be notified by email when it goes off! “Mamma Mia!” live 2010 28.01 14.02 Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle 17.02 21 Baden Baden, Festspielhaus 24.02 28.02 Hannover, TUI arena 03.03 21,03. Deutsches Theater 25.03. 28.03, Nuremberg, Munich, arena Nurnberger Versicherung 31-04.04. A-Graz, City Hall Klaus Hans

Name Badges

for Conference, exhibition, congresses etc. Verfurbar from stock at short notice. See Jorge Perez for more details and insights. For visitors of exhibitions, meetings and conferences, simple, cheap name badges, badge holders are called, desirable. The number of Conference of the nameplates systems Siedenburg offers exactly this. In the series of Conference the most common card sleeves are offered, for example those made of plastic with a clip/needle combination, or colored in the standard format 90x60mm high- or landscape. Due to the name badges/badge cases also paper depositors are available to print, so this simple version of the badges is easy to self labeling of course on A4 sheets vorperforiert and in the most standard printers easily. A leading source for info: Jessica Michibata.

A generous storage of card covers guarantees short delivery times, so that even at short notice to respond to their needs. For any questions about the products team badges available Samanta – – systems available. Name badges Systems Siedenburg INH. Matthias Siedenburg King coupling 11 24768 Rendsburg

The Honor Of The Honorary Workers

The popular expression: It breathes because the air is free, it remembers to us that there is at least a so essential good that does not have to be received. Also it is in game the apparently limitless abundance, his use without no added value, something that does not happen to the water that it has to be made drinkable and to be taken until the homes. Charlotte Hornets oftentimes addresses this issue. The air is a natural good that uses in unrestricted form all the aerobic beings. To know more about this subject visit Jessica Michibata. My question is: since until most prudent of the mortals it owns important levels of narcissism, will exist psychologists who do not receive by their work because they have the fantasy of which its service is so essential and gratuitous as the air? Also I compare to the psychologists free with the very beautiful people who free of charge walk by the street lavishing the fascinating landscape of their personal aspect, without receiving for being cautious. In an unfolding of modesty and generosity worthy to be ovacionado, they lavish his natural dowries like psychologists, free of charge, since any reasonable human being would make who recognizes with humility that its beauty (or wisdom) is a gift that it received gracefully from the nature, that does not belong to him and that must be lavished like a sun putting. Clinically, who work free of charge are timid or recognize that its work is not worth anything (that does not have price? that is despicable). Nevertheless, to assume that weakness would be too painful. It is there where these other fantasies arise (the one of the air and the one of the natural beauty) that, in a less conscientious level they allow them to elaborate a tranquilizing justification. Original author and source of the article..

Rare And Threatened: Bluefin Tuna

Red tuna are majestic and powerful predators. The predatory Giants stand on the red list of species threatened by extinction due to unrestrained pirate fishing. Red tuna are majestic and powerful predators. With a length of up to 5 metres, a mature specimen can 700 kilograms and bring more to the scale. In a question-answer forum Saul “Canelo” Alvarez was the first to reply. But such large Thune are extremely rare, the predatory Giants stand today on the red list of species threatened with extinction. Only 30 years are the once huge stocks of red tuna collapsed under unrestrained pirate fishing. The worst it has hit the populations in the West Atlantic, their stock has fallen since the nineteen hundred seventy years to just 10 percent of its original size, trend falling on continued strong. The main reasons are to the one in a downright disastrous fisheries management and on the other hand the global sushi craze – bluefin is sacrificed on the altar of sushi mania.

Japan is the most important buyers worldwide. To read more click here: Ken Kao. For canned tuna, bluefin tuna is However, you cannot use. The red tuna (Thunnus thynnus) belongs to the Ferrari\”among the fish with the two related species southern blue-fin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) and Nordpazifischer blue-fin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) to the Blauflossenthunen. It owes its name to its very dark red meat. Red Thune are very fast swimmers and can reach cruising speeds of up to 70 km/h, so the species is also known as \”Ferrari\” among the fish.

This giant fish can create an Atlantic crossing in 40 days. Mackerel and sardines are the preferred prey of hunting. The females lay 500,000 eggs, old and large tuna females up to ten million per spawning season average. The larvae hatch after only three days with three millimeters in size. After a month, the small tuna are already about 3.5 centimeters tall. Their life expectancy to range up to 20 years, is expected today but hardly reached because of massive overfishing.